Yamada Asaemon Sagiri

Yamada Asaemon Sagiri

Hell's Paradise: How strong is Yamada Asaemon Sagiri? - Dexerto
Yamada Asaemon Sagiri is the 12th-ranking Asaemon of the Yamada clan, as well as the daughter of the clan's former leader, Yamada Asaemon Kichiji . She is the deuteragonist of Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku .

After the shogun called on death row inmates to acquire the elixir of life from an island supposedly Shinsenkyō in exchange for a pardon for their past crimes, Sagiri recruited Gabimaru to be part of the expedition team and was tasked with acting as his monitor until the mission was completed.

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Sagiri is a young woman with long brown hair that she holds in a ponytail with a very long ribbon. Her frontal hair falls over her face like a fringe and has two very long front locks that fall down to her dress. She's quite tall, standing at 172 cm. (5 ft. 8 in.), making her one of the tallest female characters in the series. As Asaemon, she wears the standard outfit, which is a white dress with red lining along the collars, a hakama with a single red stripe on the left gusset that is held together with a red corset (instead of a red waist cord) , which holds her katana to her left hip, a funeral bell attached to a piece of red cloth in the center of her collar, a gauntlet on her left arm and sandals. When she's ready to execute her targets or to fight,

After taking on the task of destroying one of the Banko's tandens, Sagiri acquires the shinobi gear of the fallen Iwagakure shinobi shot by Jikka and starts wearing a headband, as well as adding another gauntlet and a second sword. She also switched to wearing shinobi shoes and had her hakama tucked into a pair of gaiters around her legs.

After a year, Sagiri wears a striped dress, held together with a dark obi, haori and sandals. She also carries a kasa and a walking stick.


In carrying out her work as an executioner, Sagiri generally displays a stoic and serious demeanor, as she possesses a very high sense of duty when entrusted with a task. When acting in her role as inspector, Sagiri made sure that Gabimaru answered all her questions even if he wasn't dressed or if it was during one of his death sentences, which constantly required her to tell the magistrate and his men to hold back. during their next execution attempts. After becoming Gabimaru's overseer, she boldly made it clear that she refused to allow him to do whatever he wanted on the island and made sure to keep an eye on him at all times. Another excellent example of Sagiri's serious attitude was when she aimed to give Gabimaru and Mei a proper bath, considering it an "operation" even though it wasn't required of her as the criminal's overseer. As Kishō noted, Sagiri is a stickler for following the rules, as she kept tabs on her assigned criminal even though the other Yamada Asaemons knew the rules would only hinder the mission's progress. She can, however, afford to bend the rules a little, as she ignored Gabimaru's attempt to kill her. She is also able to accept some of the unfortunate events that have fallen; although it will take her some time to allow the situation to develop.

Although dedicated to her duties as both samurai and executioner, Sagiri lacks the mental state to take a life without putting fear or hesitation into her blade, a flaw she is strongly criticized for by members of her clan, in addition to her gender, given their principles of executing the condemned painlessly by ridding themselves of this emotion. After analyzing Gabimaru's behavior after seeing him commit murder, Sagiri learned from him that she must bear the weight of the lives she had taken as the shinobi does, and accept her fear and doubts rather than try to overcome them. On the occasion of the Shogun's mission, Sagiri soon realized that this way of thinking had finally become the key to her survival on Kotaku.

Most importantly, Sagiri is seen as someone who remains true to herself. Despite being subjected to gender discrimination in the Yamada clan, even by her own father, Sagiri strives to follow the path of a samurai and not adhere to traditional clan customs, no matter what her clan members may think of her. As such, she believes that a person should choose what they want to be in life, regardless of the identity they were born with. Although she speaks respectfully to members of her clan, Sagiri is not afraid to stand up for herself by stating her beliefs. She has also come to accept her own flaws, those flaws being her fears and doubts as a samurai. For this reason, as well as her disdain for gender roles, Sagiri's way of life is considered to lean towards the Middle Way, which has proven to be a great help in overcoming difficult obstacles. Accepting both his strength, weakness and even doubt from within, Gabimaru had noted that Sagiri was stronger than he was when engaged in battle.

Sagiri is also a very good-natured person, polite, kind and considerate towards others. Despite being well aware that some members of her clan consider her unworthy of becoming a samurai, Sagiri speaks to them with respect and is saddened by the death of those who were entrusted with the mission. After Mei prepared for a bath, Sagiri kindly took the liberty of washing her, an act the girl greatly appreciated. When Hōko's head was separated from his body, Sagiri expressed relief that he was still alive and voluntarily carried him after defeating Mu Dan. From her experience as an executioner, Sagiri is able to understand the feelings of others from deep within their hearts, which could enable her to empathize even with criminals. Thanks to this trait, Sagiri realized that Gabimaru was not really a perverse person and was able to show genuine concern for his well-being.

Although she takes things seriously, Sagiri has a sense of humor, as she is one of the few who finds Shion's puns on her sight funny. She's also the type to make puns herself, which she attributes to Shion as her influence, after telling Gabimaru that in the end, she "fulfilled" her initial role of being associated with him after beheading the condemned man to free him from arborification.



Sagiri was born as the daughter of Yamada clan head Yamada Asaemon Kichiji. As a young girl, Sagiri witnessed her father skillfully decapitate a condemned artist with a single stroke of his sword and, from that day on, was inspired to acquire the same level of skill with a sword. Sagiri also made the decision to become involved in her clan's business instead of leading a normal, quiet life, believing this to be inevitable since the clan's association with death follows every member, whatever path they choose to take. Because she was born into the infamous executioner clan, Sagiri was also bullied by children her own age. As she began her training in how to wield a sword, Sagiri was scorned by her fellow Yamada members, as well as by her father, for being a woman following the path of a samurai.

Despite the harsh treatment she faced, Sagiri managed to earn her name as Yamada Asaemon and a ranking with the help of Yamada Asaemon Shugen , for which she was grateful. While having acquired the skills necessary to become an executioner, Sagiri found herself unable to handle the burden of ending the lives of her victims during her execution duties, which impaired her sword skills.

Island arc

After the recent discovery of the legendary island known as Shinsenkyō , Sagiri and the other ranked Yamada Asaemons are tasked by the shogun with recruiting death row inmates for the latest expedition team tasked with recovering the island' s elixir of life, with the reward for the criminals. being an official pardon for their crimes. She is assigned the infamous shinobi Iwagakure known as Gabimaru the Hollow and heads for his prison.

Before executing Gabimaru as the judge had planned, Sagiri acts as an inspector and interrogates him in order to understand him better. After completing his inspection, Sagiri reveals his true identity to Gabimaru as he is sentenced to be beheaded at his hands. Despite the shinobi's assertion that he was ready to die, Sagiri sees him back away from her sword attacks as she attempts to execute him. As Gabimaru wonders why he clings to life, Sagiri opens his eyes to the fact that he wants to live a life of peace with his wife .and wrests forgiveness to offer him the mission of shogun. Before giving his answer, Sagiri hears the magistrate's refusal to release Gabimaru, even though it is an order from the shogun. While holding his sword against the magistrate's neck, Sagiri sees Gabimaru perform a fire ninjutsu to prevent the officers from overpowering him, and hears his acceptance to take part in the mission. With Gabimaru accepting the mission, Sagiri transports him to Edo where he will be briefed on the details of the mission.

Later, Sagiri places Gabimaru with other criminals who also wish to be pardoned. Before the criminals could get to the island, they were told to start a massacre until only a few were available to leave. As the criminals began to kill each other, Yamada Asaemon Eizen tried to discourage Sagiri from undertaking the mission, but to no avail. Three criminals then attempt to attack Sagiri and escape. Sagiri manages to decapitate them, but trembles with fear. She then observes Gabimaru's murder and notices how he carries the weight of the people he has killed, and wishes to do the same to overcome his weakness. After the massacre is over, Sagiri is asked to be Gabimaru's Asaemon and promises that she will be the one to execute him.

After arriving with Gabimaru on the island, Sagiri listens to Gabimaru explain her former leader's immortal body and how the elixir of life can exist, but is not convinced that he can be on the island. She then sees Gabimaru free himself from his bonds and tells him that this action was forbidden. After listening to the shinobi's many complaints, Sagiri draws her sword, boldly reminds him of his role as executioner, not ally, and asks him to cooperate, to which he agrees to bind his hands. Sagiri is then shocked to see Gabimaru's neck snap after being hit by a surprise attack from Warped Keiun . one of the criminals sent to the island, but is surprised to see him alive. Gabimaru explains that he dislocated his neck at the perfect moment and complains to her about how he took note of the fact that Keiun's hands were not tied. Although she felt it wasn't the ideal time to complain, Sagiri asks Keiun's Yamada Asaemon Kishō why he broke the rules, to which he replies that he'll redo the bindings once the mission is over, which results in Sagiri. receiving a stern look from Gabimaru. Warped Keiun declares to Gabimaru that he will kill him and the rest of the island's criminals, but is quickly defeated by the shinobi, much to Sagiri's shock at his strength.

With his criminal down, Kishō cuts off Warped Keiun's head and prepares to leave. Sagiri warns Kishō to be careful due to the fact that the men who were sent to the island have disappeared. Despite the warning, Kishō informs her that she should worry about herself and the way the criminals act, telling her that the rules shouldn't be taken seriously as it could jeopardize the chances of finding the elixir. He then pointed to Gabimaru as an example and offered him a chance to go home by killing him, only for the Asaemon to be silenced by Gabimaru. Kishō then warned Gabimaru that Iwa might get involved in the mission in the future and told Sagiri that this mission would determine the next leader of the Yamada clan. After Kishō leaves, Sagiri asks Gabimaru where he'd like to go next, but suddenly finds himself intercepting a sword attack from him. Sagiri has asked for an explanation of his action, to which he responds by saying that he wanted to kill her painlessly.

Gabimaru explains to Sagiri that, if what Kishō said about Iwa were true, he would have no time to waste and Sagiri would only prevent him from finding the elixir. As they continued to face swords, Sagiri knew she would have to execute Gabimaru for committing an illegal action, but strangely she couldn't see him as an enemy and also found herself hesitating in her attacks. Just as Gabimaru was getting the upper hand, he apologized to Sagiri for having no choice but to end his life. Sagiri questioned his apology, saying that someone like him couldn't feel anything. Gabimaru agreed with her and later nailed her with murderous intent. Before Gabimaru can deliver the final blow, Sagiri sees him stop in confusion and weep while declaring that he won't be able to survive and see his wife again if he gives in to his emotions. After realizing that there is another side to Gabimaru, Sagiri disagrees with Gabimaru and tells him that by not running away from his emotions, he will become strong. Sagiri also tells him that she will overlook his actions in trying to kill her and vows to support him throughout his trials if he should face his emotions while recovering his life. Finally, Sagiri tells Gabimaru he's not the man he used to be and puts his sword back in its scabbard.

After the fight, the two encounter a strange fish creature preparing to attack. Gabimaru tells Sagiri to stay back and goes into battle. However, the creature pushes him aside and Gabimaru thinks it would be better for them to flee. Before they can find a window of opportunity to escape, they are surrounded by larger, stranger creatures. Believing there was no way out, Gabimaru massacred the horde. Sagiri watches in horror and becomes distraught as she realizes how much her life has changed since arriving on the island. She then notices that she is about to be attacked from behind, but Gabimaru manages to save her unconsciously. Sagiri thanks Gabimaru for saving her, but her head is suddenly enveloped by one of the creatures' tentacles.

Just when Gabimaru was in danger, Yamada Asaemon Genji appears and kills the monster. He then appears with Yamada Asaemon Senta and Yuzuriha, who introduces herself. Sagiri wonders why the kunoichi has two Asaemons and asks. Genji explains that Yuzuriha killed her original criminal, Moro Makiyaand decided to follow her, as she was too dangerous to be left with an Asaemon. However, Gabimaru and Sagiri were not fooled and knew that Genji had fallen under her spell. Yuzuriha offered to team up to find the elixir, but Gabimaru refused. She then persuades them with information about butterflies with human faces, Senta tells them about monsters and statues with attributes implying Buddhism and Tao gives his opinion that the island is not the Pure Land. Sagiri agrees and says that although the monsters appear to be sacred beings, they are simply living creatures based on their anatomy. After conferring, Gabimaru agrees to join forces. Sagiri looks back on events since her arrival on the island, feeling overwhelmed and powerless.

After having a nightmare about her father, Sagiri wakes up and finds herself in a cave. She then sees the others working while she sleeps. Gabimaru then explains his findings after scouring the island and Senta includes his analysis of the statues. Sagiri gives them information about the monsters, explaining that while she was cutting them, she detected no sign of internal or genital organs and that their characteristics were random. On hearing this, Gabimaru smiled with excitement at the knowledge that the elixir might actually exist. Senta tells them they should investigate the monsters further.

Sagiri goes outside and notices that the sun is setting. She is then met by Genji, who orders her to leave the island and return to the mainland. Sagiri wishes to stay, saying it is her duty to look after Gabimaru. However, Genji thinks she doesn't have enough skills to survive on the island and that her gender limits her. Senta overhears their conversation and tells them that escaping from the island may not be so easy, as the samurai sent never returned. However, Sagiri is told by him to leave at dawn. Senta thinks this would be a good idea, but also thinks she should stay and watch Gabimaru, as he knows he can't go home without her, or for some other unknown reason for his change of heart.

At midnight, Sagiri keeps an eye on Gabimaru. He says he's not going to sleep, but she says it was her duty. Gabimaru then asks if she's recovering, which surprises Sagiri since this unexpected something coming from Gabimaru. She listens to Gabimaru's gratitude for helping her find her resolution and compliments on her strength. She looks at him in confusion, wondering what he meant. After Gabimaru tells her a quote from his village about finding oneself, Sagiri uses it as encouragement.

The next day, Sagiri meets Genji and tells him she's not leaving. Remembering the time when she was rejected by everyone, including her father, about becoming a samurai, she explains that she couldn't bear to leave. Genji felt it was natural for her to live a woman's life, but Sagiri begs him to consider her a samurai and the fact that this is the life she has chosen to live. Genji becomes furious and attacks Sagiri with his sword. Sagiri intercepts his attack and grabs his blade, reminding him of the lesson he taught her yesterday. As Genji angrily snatches his blade, Sagiri tries to warn him that Rokurōta is standing behind him.

Genji sees Rokurōta about to attack and pushes Sagiri out of the way. Rokurōta sends Genji crashing and Sagiri runs to his aid, unaware that Rokurōta is about to attack. Fortunately, Gabimaru arrives and sends the giant crashing down with a kick. Sagiri sadly realizes that Eizen is not with him, which means he has been killed. Gabimaru tells Sagiri to retreat so as not to endanger himself. Sagiri moves Genji to a backup location to heal his wounds. Genji tells her there was no point and gives her permission to leave him behind, but Sagiri refuses. Genji found it confusing how Sagiri acted like a man earlier, but now acts like a woman. Sagiri didn't care if she played one or the other as long as she could help him. Hearing her words, Genji finally understands Sagiri and gives her one of his swords, trusting Sagiri to defeat Rokurōta. Sagiri joins Gabimaru and manages to cut off one of Rokurōta's fingers. The two then ask each other for help in battle.

As his neck is too high for her to reach, Sagiri tells Gabimaru that she can't decapitate Rokurōta. Gabimaru tells her to cut off his legs to bring him to his knees, but Sagiri says this would not be an easy task. After Gabimaru deflects his attack, Sagiri stands behind him and prepares to cut off his right leg, however, she remembers Eizen's death and Genji's injury, preventing her from cutting off his leg. She dodges his attack and tries to concentrate on abandoning her emotions and relying on reason. She makes another attempt on his arm but is unable to cut it again, noting that his bones get in the way as she lashes out. After the giant's stomach rumbles and cries out in hunger, Rokurōta slams Gabimaru to the ground and manages to wound him. She comes to his aid and sees another attack coming. Remembering Genji's words, Sagiri relies on both her emotions and her reason to stop Rokurōta. Sagiri blocks all of Rokurōta's attacks, causing him to retreat and have the opportunity to sneak up behind him. However, before she can execute it, Rokurōta leaps from Sagiri's attack. Gabimaru notes that their normal tactics aren't working and comes up with an extreme plan.

Gabimaru immolates himself with fire and sends several flaming ninjutsu attacks at Rokurōta, who deflects him into the trees. Gabimaru explains that he deliberately wanted Rokurōta to deflect the attacks to cause a forest fire so that he could suffocate him from the smoke. Once Rokurōta drops to his knees, Sagiri enters to decapitate him while Gabimaru holds him back. Sagiri concentrates and makes the cut. After decapitating Rokurōta, Sagiri holds his head and rests his soul. Before leaving with Gabimaru, Sagiri thinks of Genji but tells herself she must remain strong.

After Gabimaru suggests going in the direction the monsters came, Sagiri is asked by him if she was worried about her comrades. She declares that worrying about her clan mates would only bring dishonor, and that completing the mission quickly would free them from their current responsibilities. The two then catch up with Yuzuriha and Senta as they look on in shock to see an abandoned village in the distance.

Lord Tensen's bow

Gabimaru notices someone watching them and chases after them, discovering it was a little girl. He then dodges an attack from a monster tree, but instead of engaging in battle, Gabimaru decides to pursue the girl, thinking she might know more about the island. Seeing how she can't let him out of her sight, Sagiri goes after Gabimaru and leaves the rest to Yuzuriha and Senta. Sagiri is shocked to see Gabimaru thrown by the child and assures her that they have no intention of harming him. After the girl stops running, Sagiri approaches her but the girl prepares to throw a punch at Sagiri. Gabimaru enters to block her attack and holds her back. Sagiri tells Gabimaru to let her go after the girl cries at Gabimaru's intimidation. She then calmed her down and took her back with them. Gabimaru wanted to ask her about the elixir, but Sagiri told him it wouldn't be possible with her crying.

The tree monster persuades the group to come to the village, but Sagiri doubts they should trust him. The monster says he won't deceive them and the village is safe from monsters, later revealed to be called the Sōshin , and butterflies. After their arrival in the village, Sagiri joins Yuzuriha in the bath to keep an eye on her, but feels too relaxed after entering the bath. The girl brings them towels and Sagiri thanks her but notices that she doesn't speak. Finishing their bath, Sagiri and Yuzuriha join Gabimaru and Senta. The tree monster reveals that the elixir of life exists and lies at the center of the island. However, the monster also reveals that they will have to get past Lord Tensen, immortal beings who will not allow anyone to leave the island. Feeling threatened, Gabimaru and Yuzuriha point their weapons at the tree monster but assure them that he was only telling them the truth. After showing them proof of the elixir's existence by demonstrating its regenerative abilities, Gabimaru points his sword at the girl and asks if she too has the same ability. Sagiri reprimands him for pointing his sword at her.

Later, Sagiri follows Gabimaru to the bath and discusses whether they should trust Mei and Hōko ... Once inside, they accidentally walk in on Mei undressed. Sagiri is shocked once Gabimaru undresses after explaining that he used to bathe with people from his village. She notices that Gabimaru is wounded from behind and Mei has a strange mark on her back. She then prepares a nice bath for them both and washes Mei. After noticing that Mei is trying to hide her marking, Gabimaru advises her not to try and hide it, and that appearance doesn't matter. Sagiri becomes dumbfounded with Gabimaru showing signs of respect. Having finished bathing, the three walk back to the lodgings. As they walk, Sagiri begins to notice that Gabimaru's personality is starting to change. Once there, Sagiri sees that Senta has exhausted himself gathering research and tells him he should rest while she stands guard. Senta insists that he stick to his work and stays on the lookout for the night with Gabimaru by his side. However, Senta eventually falls asleep and gives Gabimaru the opportunity to go to Hōrai alone.Hell's Paradise: How strong is Yamada Asaemon Sagiri? - Dexerto

After Senta apologized to Sagiri for allowing Gabimaru to leave her sight, Sagiri accepted the deal but said they should quickly look for him. However, Yuzuriha wasn't on board but quickly changed her mind once Hōko offered to guide them through the mist. Once they left, Sagiri wondered why she felt worried about Gabimaru's safety. Traveling to Hōrai, Hōko explains to them that Lord Tensen is a group of seven immortals and talks about the history of villagers undergoing aborification. Sagiri listens as Senta gives an analytical explanation of the island's religious qualities and her theory that the island's creator was planning something. Yuzuriha thinks they don't stand a chance and that Gabimaru and Mei are dead. One goal, however. Later, Sagiri listens to Hōko's explanation of Lord Tensen's power known as Tao , the vital energy found in everything.

After traveling for a day, the group reaches Hōrai's gate. Sagiri wonders where Gabimaru is. Hōko informs him that it was possible he had taken a different route to get to Hōrai. Once the doors are opened, Sagiri is shocked to see Hōko's head separated from her body. The group is then met by a mysterious man , whom Yuzuriha senses is dangerous and tries to flee. However, the man instantly grabs Yuzuriha from behind. Sagiri also sensed that the man was stronger than the other creatures on the island. She draws her sword, demanding that he let her go and come forward. Still alive, Hōko told them he was one of Lord Tensen's members, Mu Dan. Mu Dan then took the opportunity to tell Hōko that his religious beliefs were a lie, the elixir of life doesn't exist, and presents the Kiyōshi . After hearing that the elixir doesn't exist, Sagiri worries about Gabimaru's situation of potentially not being able to receive his forgiveness. Yuzuriha manages to escape from Mu Dan by swapping her body with a tree and attacks it. She then approaches Sagiri gratefully and declares that even if the elixir doesn't exist, their main objective should be to try to survive. Sagiri grabs Hōko's head, but before they can escape, Mu Dan regenerates from his wounds and attacks Yuzuriha by detonating his Kiyōshi. She survives the explosion, causing Mu Dan to sense that she is able to perceive Tao. Sagiri and Senta then prepare to help Yuzuriha after Mu Dan wishes to see how far she can go with Tao.

Unwilling to fight her, Mu Dan rushes towards Sagiri and hits her from a distance, causing her immense pain. While fighting Yuzuriha and Senta, Sagiri asks Hōko if Mu Dan has a weakness she can exploit. Hōko considers him too powerful, but Sagiri begs him to help her after mentioning she can't see Mei again. Shortly afterwards, Sagiri tries to attack Mu Dan from behind but dodges. After being warned by Senta that Mu Dan is able to sense his opponents' intent, Sagiri throws her sword at his abdomen and uses the advice Hōko gave her to cut his tanden. Mu Dan survives, declaring that without Tao, she has no hope of defeating him. However, once she has confirmed her suspicions up close, Sagiri unleashes a blast of Tao and cuts Mu Dan's face. Yuzuriha and Senta then notice that Mu Dan's wound is not healing.

Sagiri explains to the two that she is able to use Tao from her experience on the island and believes she knows how to defeat Mu Dan. He then disappears from her sight and appears before her ready to attack. Yuzuriha sees through his technique and holds him back with her mucus ropes, allowing Sagiri to enter and strike back. However, Mu Dan releases a blast of Tao from his mouth and pulls Sagiri away from him. She then tries to attack from behind, but Mu Dan reads her movements to avoid each one. With the help of Yuzuriha and Senta, Mu Dan is immobilized, having had his right leg cut off, and quickly suffers damage. Before Sagiri can attempt to finish him off, Mu Dan floats into the air to escape their attacks. He then creates large droplets of water to rain down on the three of them. Sagiri takes cover but begins to overexert herself with her breathing techniques. Yuzuriha informs Sagiri that his Tao type could be Mu Dan's weakness, since he has been trying to avoid only his attacks, and that it might be possible to kill him. After coming out into the open and taking heavy damage from his attack, Yuzuriha pulls Mu Dan down with his ropes and Senta holds him from behind to allow Sagiri to cut him down. Sagiri enters and completely slices through his tanden, killing Mu Dan.

After successfully killing Mu Dan, Sagiri comes to Hōko's aid and is relieved that he is still alive. She then begins to recapitulate Tao's nature and becomes upset when she realizes that the elixir of life doesn't exist. Yuzuriha says they should move on and come up with another plan of action. After hearing Senta's comment about Yuzuriha's indomitable spirit, Sagiri asks Senta if he had feelings for her. Senta denies this speculation and goes on to explain that he admires Yuzuriha's ability to be true to herself. After listening, Sagiri sympathizes with Senta for having been inspired by a criminal and wonders if it's possible that everyone who has come to the island is working together. Shortly afterwards, Sagiri panics when she sees Yuzuriha about to be attacked by a stinger produced from Mu Dan's blossoming corpse. Senta moves quickly to ward off Yuzuriha and is stabbed by the stinger. Sagiri and Yuzuriha tremble in fear as Senta's head begins to blossom from the flowers and Mu Dan's monstrous transformation before them. Just as they are about to be attacked by more stingers, Yamada Asaemon Shion and Nurugai arrive in time to save them. Shion then tells Sagiri that he will fight the monster.

Sagiri asks Hōko if there's anything they can do to help Senta, but sadly tells him there's nothing he can do. Yuzuriha then steps in to give her some medicine to stop the bleeding. Sagiri worries as Shion prepares to fight the monster, but Nurugai relieves her. The three look on in shock as Shion performs well against the monster. Noticing that her wounds aren't healing, Sagiri figures that Shion possesses the same Tao attribute as she does as a means of harming her. She is then shocked when Shion sprouts flowers from his body because of the scratches he has received. Sagiri wants to fight alongside Shion after seeing his blood loss by removing the flowers and encourages Nurugai to fight too. However, Yuzuriha decides not to join, saying she doesn't have enough energy. This prompts Nurugai to hug her and Sagiri to restore their strength. Sagiri and Nurugai then cover themselves with bandages and Yuzuriha's liquid to avoid being grazed by the monsters' stings. Sagiri tells Shion about their plan to be decoys while he stands behind Mu Dan and cuts his tanden. The monster approaches to attack Nurugai but Sagiri manages to intercept his attacks by detecting his Tao. Sagiri and Shion continue to fight him, but begin to feel they are nearing his limit. As Shion clears a path, Sagiri holds one of the monsters' hands with her sword, allowing Shion to deliver the fatal blow. Sagiri tells Shion about their plan to be decoys while he stands behind Mu Dan and cuts his tanden. The monster approaches to attack Nurugai but Sagiri manages to intercept his attacks by detecting his Tao. Sagiri and Shion continue to fight him, but begin to feel they are nearing his limit. As Shion clears a path, Sagiri holds one of the monsters' hands with her sword, allowing Shion to deliver the fatal blow. Sagiri tells Shion about their plan to be decoys while he stands behind Mu Dan and cuts his tanden. The monster approaches to attack Nurugai but Sagiri manages to intercept his attacks by detecting his Tao. Sagiri and Shion continue to fight him, but begin to feel they are nearing his limit. As Shion clears a path, Sagiri holds one of the monsters' hands with her sword, allowing Shion to deliver the fatal blow.

After finally taking down Mu Dan, Sagiri rushes to Senta and begs Yuzuriha for more medicine. Yuzuriha refuses her request as Senta was close to death and thinks the medicine would be better used for Shion. She then tearfully watches as Yuzuriha comforts Senta and allows her to pass away peacefully. With her death and her gratitude to Yuzuriha and Nurugai, Sagiri declares her determination to get everyone on the island to cooperate in escaping the island and returning home safely.

Sagiri and his allies enter Hōrai and take refuge in one of the settlements to review what they know about Tao. After discussing the elixir of life and how they can't return home without it, Sagiri declares that the elixir must exist because Gabimaru's village chief benefited from it. However, Yuzuriha talks about the possibilities of the chief using an illusion to fool others into believing he was immortal. With this in mind, Yuzuriha discusses the theory that Gabimaru's wife doesn't exist, which frightens Sagiri as she explains her theory.

She later sits outside and is joined by Shion. Sagiri expresses her sadness at the death of her clan members and wonders if Gabimaru is all right. This leads Shion to ask if Sagiri has developed feelings for Gabimaru, but she stops him and denies his allegation. Sagiri explains that she is able to see that Gabimaru is not really a bad person and feels sorry for him because of his horrible past. Shion tries to reassure her that Yuzuriha's theory may not be true as she has seen women from Iwa after a visit and comforts her with a pun.

The next day, Sagiri suggests going out of the gate to check on the earthquake she felt earlier and find Gabimaru and the others. Yuzuriha replies with a refusal, seeing that the elixir doesn't exist and that they should concentrate more on escaping the island. Sagiri sees through her lie, knowing that she plans to use the Asaemon as a safety measure when standing before the shogun. She reassures her that she plans to bring everyone in safely, including herself, but wonders if Gabimaru has managed to reach the gates. Yuzuriha tells her that she found evidence at the front gate that Gabimaru has arrived at Hōrai. After arriving at the gate, the group is greeted by Yamada Asaemon Fuchi , Tamiya Gantetsusai , unconscious Gabimaru, Mei, Tōma , and an enslaved Dōshi . Sagiri and Fuchi then asked what had happened to them since they reunited.

After finding Mei, Sagiri comforts her after seeing the state she's in. She then tries to stop Gantetsusai from harming Tōma even though he's a traitor and justifies that he's no threat. The group then draws their attention to Gabimaru's critical condition after his battle with Aza Chōbei... Gabimaru then wakes up and looks at everyone gathered around him. Sagiri suggests that they treat his wounds but hears him refuse, declaring that he was fine if his wounds ended up killing him. After hearing this, Sagiri wonders who he was. Gabimaru replies with his epithet and makes Sagiri understand that Gabimaru is not himself. Gabimaru then tries to attack Sagiri after she becomes suspicious of him, but is protected by Shion and Fuchi. Sagiri explains that Gabimaru's Tao has been disruptive, resulting in memory loss. She then tries to calmly make him understand that she is his ally and wants to use a Tao restoration to help him recover. After being rebuffed several times, Sagiri resorts to force, immobilizing Gabimaru and explaining that they need his help to get home, and that he must return home to his wife. After maintaining physical contact for some time, Gabimaru's Tao is restored and he regains his memories.

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The group moves to a cave to escape Lord Tensen's sensory field. Sagiri is relieved that Gabimaru has regained his memories and remembers his objective of wanting to receive forgiveness in order to find his wife. She then tries to prevent Yuzuriha from explaining the possibility that his wife is an illusion. After they've finished explaining, Gabimaru tells them that he was convinced she was real based on the time he spent with her, and that the only way he could be sure was to see her again. She was delighted with his resolution.

While the men and Nurugai help Gabimaru train outside, Sagiri and Yuzuriha tend to Mei, who is feeling ill. Fuchi intervenes and agrees to make medicine for Mei, but demands that she tell him everything they need to know about herself and Lord Tensen. He then asks Sagiri to make the medicine while he translates Mei's words. From what he interprets of Mei's words, Fuchi tells them that the monsters, the island and Lord Tensen were created from a Hōshi in order to seek the secrets of immortality. He then goes on to tell them about Lord Tensen practicing Tan's inner and outer path to immortality, which is meditation and the creation of an elixir. This leads Sagiri and Yuzuriha to realize that the elixir of life really does exist. Fuchi explains that although the elixir gives them extra life, they can be killed if their Tao is depleted. After Yuzuriha asks why the Tensens go further in their research, Mei replies that the possibility lies in the will of their creator Jofuku. Hearing Fuchi's story of Jofuku's journey, Sagiri is frightened by the idea that Jofuku might still be alive after 1,000 years.

After learning more about Jofuku, Sagiri sees Mei fall back exhausted and her arm turned into a branch. Mei explains that her body has been damaged by Rien and needs help to heal, which Hōko offers by having her absorb his Tao. After Mei absorbs Hōko and returns to her fully healed child body, the four gather with the others and are about to hear their next plan of action. However, Mei warns the others that she senses another party with a strong Tao.

Shion and Fuchi think it's Shugen and the other Asaemon who have been sent as reinforcements by Eizen, along with another group of criminals... After being asked by Gabimaru if Shugen was an ally, Sagiri answers yes and vouches for Shugen's strength, but is warned by Yuzuriha that Shugen has an infamous reputation. Sagiri explains Shugen's story about him executing the entire Silver Serpent yakuza group, but assures them that he's a good person at heart. Fuchi then adds that Shugen was Sagiri's first crush, which shocks her into blushing, explains that she simply admires him since he's the reason she managed to earn a ranking in the clan and believes he'll come to their aid. However, Shion denies this and explains the whole story of how Shugen not only executed the Silver Serpent group but also their families, which shocked and horrified the group. He then goes on to explain that he doesn't work with criminals and won't allow Asaemon to work with them either. Moving on, the group hears Shion's plan to divide everyone into two teams, one finding Tan and the other finding an escape route. They also listen to his strategy of using their Tao attributes to hinder each member of Lord Tensen and defeat them. However, after Yuzuriha suggests finding a way off the island and into hiding, Shion gives everyone the option of working alone or going ahead with Shion's plan. In the end, everyone unanimously follows Shion into the cave and decides to work together to complete the mission.

Arc Horai

Mei provides the group with information about the ships at the bottom of the palace as a means of escaping the island, and reveals that the elixir is in Rien's laboratory. Sagiri and the others then attend Gabimaru and Yuzuriha's lessons on espionage using Tao. Once the lessons are over, Sagiri talks to Gabimaru about how strange she found it that everyone is now cooperating to achieve the same goal, and hopes that the group will manage to survive. She is then placed on the elixir recovery team with Gabimaru and Yuzuriha. Gantetsusai suggests that they should send Mei off on her own without having to wait for the elixir team, since she wants to leave the island. Sagiri listens to Gabimaru as he asks Mei if there is anything she should do before leaving the island. Mei confesses that she wishes to see her creator, Jofuku, and Rien to ask him why they underwent a major change in the past, then leave the island to start a new life. Sagiri looks on as Gabimaru promises Mei he'll see both of them again.

When planning their infiltration strategy, Gabimaru explains that he and Yuzuriha will sense the Tao layout of the palace building and attack the guards while entering and exiting their Tao suppression. Knowing that part of the plan is to avoid confronting Lord Tensen, Sagiri wonders about the possibility of this happening. Gabimaru explains that if their plan failed, they would have to move on to their second plan of retaliation against them. Following their planned strategy, the group decides to infiltrate the palace tonight.

The elixir retrieval team infiltrates the palace and warns the escape route security team that the area is clear. Sagiri asks Gabimaru if it's finally time to end the mission, to which he replies yes. The team senses the layout of the castle. Sagiri and Mei are disturbed by the corpses they have detected in Rien's laboratory and are surprised that Gabimaru and Yuzuriha have managed to remain calm. After gunning down the Dōshi guards and managing to enter the palace, the team suddenly run into Ran , who has suppressed his Tao waiting for their arrival after being informed by Chōbei . Ran tries to beg Mei to return to their side, revealing that they have finally completed the elixir of life. However, Mei refuses and explains that she has come to say goodbye. Although disappointed, Ran says that the Rite of Just Consumption will have to continue, which involves capturing all the humans and serving them as sacrifices to the Grandmaster.

Knowing that their plan to avoid Lord Tensen has failed, the group moves on to their second plan to fight them. Gabimaru tells Sagiri and Mei to search for the elixir while he and Yuzuriha fight Ran. However, Ran reveals to them that they are in the Dō'in temple having changed the layout of the palace, before their arrival, using his control over the inorganic Tao. While the two shinobi fight Ran, Sagiri frees Mei from Ran's bonds and tells Gabimaru that she and Mei will go to Rentan temple. Later, Sagiri and Mei hear loud noises coming from the Dō'in temple. Sagiri assures Mei that Gabimaru is fine as she knows he has a backup plan in store, but soon begins to panic and worry after learning from Mei what the plan entails. Sagiri understands that Gabimaru will resort to this plan as he desperately wants to be with his wife, but regains her composure as she concentrates on her task at hand. After arriving at the Rentan temple, Sagiri decides to turn back and help Gabimaru after acquiring the elixir of life.

Sagiri and Mei enter the temple but see that Gui Fa is in the room instead of Rien. The Tensen then says that they are ready to spare them if they don't move from their place, but will do the opposite if they take a step forward. Sagiri asks what the Tensen have around them. Gui Fa explains that the objects allow them to tell the current state of those fighting Lord Tensen. Sagiri then grabs her sword after thinking she can prevent Lord Tensen from following their movements but is crushed under the weight of Gui Fa's Tao and the Tensen asks her to withdraw her hand. Sagiri puts down her sword and explains that she does not wish to fight, but rather to apologize to Gui Fa for the behavior of the humans who trespassed on their territory. She then asks if they would allow her group to return home safely and put an end to the conflict between the two parties. Gui Fa allows Sagiri to move and says they will honor her request, however, they also warn her that it would be pointless for the surviving humans to return to Japan.Through an illusion created with Tao, Gui Fa explains Rien's plan to go to Japan and release the butterflies of paradise to turn every human into Waitanhua flowers and connect them to Banko to create more advanced tanning. Once the illusion is complete, Sagiri becomes horrified and asks why Lord Tensen would go so far, to which Gui Fa replies that Lord Tensen only sees the human race as subjects to create more of their elixir and that it was pointless for her to try and reason with them.

Later, the ritual circle reveals that the Tensens have all been defeated, leading Gui Fa to report to Rien. Sagiri asks if they are motivated to avenge their comrades, to whom they explain that they are not. The three then feel the palace begin to tremble after the unexpected arrival of part two. Sagiri and Mei find themselves confronted by a group of Dōshi and Iwa shinobi. Sagiri fights them but tries to concentrate on not trying to kill the ninja who has been reinforced by the shogun. Two Dōshi charge at Sagiri and Mei but are saved by the arrival of Yuzuriha, much to their delight. Sagiri thinks they can cooperate with the shinobi since they've been sent by the shogun, but Yuzuriha tells her that wouldn't work as they're there to kill criminals and must concentrate on getting everyone off the island with the elixir. With this in mind, Sagiri asks Mei if she was ready to face Rien. Yamada Asaemon Isuzuappears and is pleased to see that Sagiri is well, but is shocked to see her with Yuzuriha. Sagiri tries to explain to Isuzu that the Asaemons had no choice but to work with the criminals, as it was their best chance of survival. However, Isuzu tells Sagiri that Yuzuriha is their enemy after reading about the many crimes she has committed and asks her to join her.

Despite making her point, Sagiri can't bring herself to allow Isuzu to harm Yuzuriha and intervenes to keep her away from her attack, which angers Isuzu for her choice to intervene. Sagiri and the others then witness Hōrai's change of scenery after the Banko merges with Zhu Jin and fight the monsters created by him. Sagiri tries to persuade Isuzu to join the criminals but is refused because of her faith in Shugen. She then sees Gantetsusai return carrying Fuchi and is shocked to learn that he died trying to save him. As Sagiri comes into conflict with everyone arguing, Yamada Asaemon Jikka arrives, along with Shion, Nurugai , Chōbei , Tōma and some Iwagakure shinobi, and declares to everyone that he has a plan to eliminate Banko that requires the cooperation of both teams.

Hell's Paradise Saison 1 : date de sortie de tous les épisodes et  bandes-annonces

After being alerted to the need to destroy the Banko tandens scattered around the palace, the group fights off a horde of Banko monsters approaching them. Sagiri then ducks after sensing a fireball coming from behind her, incinerating the monsters in front of her, and turns around to see that the fireball has been created by Gabimaru .who is in bad shape due to the Banko disrupting his Tao. Sagiri begins to worry about him, but quickly regains her composure after Gabimaru declares that his condition is more important due to the demands of the mission. As the group goes over the plan, Yuzuriha asks Sagiri if they can rely on Jikka after seeing his personality, to which Sagiri replies that she's not sure about him either due to his bad reputation. The two teams then take the opportunity to get some shinobi equipment from some Iwagakure shinobi defeated after a failed assassination attempt against Gabimaru. During the clean-up, Sagiri comes into conflict with the situation where everyone has to start fighting monsters again, as well as with Gabimaru's problem, but he tells her that it's possible the situation is different from before.

Sagiri and Gabimaru manage to get to Banko's Metal tanden, where they find clones of Gui Fa created from it. They then receive an unexpected visit from Shija, who instantly takes out the clones and is delighted to find Gabimaru. Sagiri watches Gabimaru talk to Shija and tells him that they're wasting time, but he tells her that he's not in the right state to fight Shija and that he needs to reason with them so as not to have the shinobi as an enemy. Sagiri then suggests that she perform a Tao restoration to heal him, provoking Shija's anger after she tries to touch him and runs towards her. Gabimaru tells Shija to retreat just in time before she can slit Sagiri's throat and ask her to support him. Shija agrees to help but tells them they'll help by awakening her true fighting instincts in a fight. After the return of the Gui Fa clones, Sagiri takes charge of fighting them, while Gabimaru takes charge of fighting Shija.

After Gabimaru is sent crashing into a statue and unable to fight back, Shija targets Sagiri after realizing she's there to restore Gabimaru's Tao. Sagiri hears Gabimaru shouting at her to run, but refuses as she chooses to stand up to Shija. However, despite using Tao's senses to sense his intent, Sagiri is quickly felled. She then uses ninja powder to draw Shija away from her. Shija asks Sagiri why she chose to help Gabimaru when her main job is to be his monitor, Sagiri replies that she has come to understand Gabimaru and thinks it's possible to do the same with others such as the Tensens and Iwagakure. After hearing her answer, Shija restrains Sagiri and uses the drug she tried to use on them earlier while telling her about their time in Iwa. Sagiri then listens to Shija try to explain to Gabimaru the false relationship he has with his wife and smiles as Gabimaru gets to his feet with his body recovered after Shija confirms to them both that Yui exists.

Sagiri manages to free herself from her restraints and witnesses Gabimaru's victory over Shija. With the ninja down, Sagiri restores Gabimaru's Tao and together they proceed to destroy Banko's Metal tanden at the sound of the next signal. Although the group has succeeded in its coordinated attack on the tanden, the Banko fused with Zhu Jin is brought back to life after being rejuvenated by the morning sunlight and puts the survivors in a difficult situation after exhausting their strength. However, Aza Chōbei manages to destroy the plant monster after devising the plan to destroy its roots to sever the regeneration link with the tandens.

Starting bow

With Zhu Jin's fused Banko destroyed, Sagiri and Gabimaru regroup with everyone else at the entrance to the sluices. The survivors enter only to find that the ships have all been destroyed except one, but it is unable to navigate due to the wreckage blocking the currents. Sagiri watches Gabimaru desperately trying to remove the wreckage and decides to help support him. The two then see Mei transform into her Kishikai to help lead the way for the group, which worries them as she risks losing her life. Sagiri is relieved to see Mei back to normal as she embraces her and Gabimaru, but hears her say goodbye, thanking Gabimaru for giving her courage and thanking Sagiri for taking care of her hair. She then has them transported back to the ship, revealing that their last moment together was an illusion.

The survivors' ship manages to reach Rien's burning ship after Gantetsusai (who managed to board the ship earlier) slightly damages it. Although Gabimaru was originally the one prepared to fight Rien alone, the survivors also climb aboard to end their struggle for survival. After the survivor manages to inflict damage on Rien, Sagiri and Shion cut Rien in half, destroying his tanden in the process. However, Sagiri discovers that the events that occurred were an illusion of Tao created by Rien, who revealed in the real world that all his allies had fallen. She then becomes one of the few to see the Tensen enter her Kishikai. Sagiri stabs Rien's tanden but finds that his attack was too weak against her and leaves herself open to Rien to control her Tao. Shugen manages to pull Sagiri away from Rien's Tao manipulation and orders Isuzu and Kiyomaru to move the criminals to the other ship. Kiyomaru tells Sagiri to accompany him, but becomes hesitant in the face of the situation. Before they can escape, Rien unleashes his power and causes the outside of the ship to dismantle. As the wave ends, Sagiri looks up in shock to see Kiyomaru's body crushed under a piece of wood.

Sagiri falls into despair and believes herself powerless after reflecting on the times when she could do nothing against her former enemies. She looks to Gabimaru for help, but is shocked to find him tree-hugged after trying to attack Rien. Shugen, who is badly burned by Gabimaru's ninjutsu, then tells Sagiri to return to the survivors' ship since her resolve has been lost to doubt and she has Jikka on board to help her. After getting a flashback of Shugen congratulating her on getting a ranking in the Yamada clan, Sagiri asks her if people exist without doubt, and if they do, does that mean they're strong. She then tells him about the times she's faced doubt, as well as how she's noticed doubt and struggle in her powerful allies, and declares that she refuses to become a samurai if it meant giving up that feeling. Sagiri also tells Shugen that she remained imperfect to the end, and is grateful to Shugen for making her realize this. As a result, Sagiri's Tao begins to respond, which is noted by Shugen as being neither fueled by intensity nor tranquility. She then looks at the emblazoned Gabimaru and asks him in her mind if she was allowed to have faith.

Sagiri stands before Gabimaru's tree-like body and tells him that he must go on living while accepting the burdens that come with it. She then takes a drastic approach to saving him by decapitating him, amputating his deep-rooted limbs and pressing his tanden against hers in order to achieve their Tao restoration. Sagiri sees that Gabimaru has fully recovered but worries about their path to victory since their allies have been lost as well as Nothing is unscathed, but is reassured by him after he tells her that as long as they're alive, they can't give up until they're dead. .

Sagiri fights with Gabimaru using coordinated attacks against Rien. She is then pulled out of the path of Rien's Tao lightning attack by Gabimaru and hands him her sword to strike Tensen's tanden. However, the attack is ineffective as the troublesome wood attribute loses the necessary power after the sword was in her possession.Desperate, Gabimaru tries to use Sagiri as a human sword by grabbing her by the legs but rejects the idea after realizing it wasn't the perfect plan, something the female Asaemon scolds him for trying. Knowing that she is essential to defeating Rien, Sagiri strengthens her Tao by accepting both her strength, weakness and doubt and attacks Rien while Gabimaru hides in the shadows. Following the plan they had worked out earlier, Gabimaru heads for Jofuku's golden corpse, along with the shipment of Paradise butterflies, to destroy them both and give Sagiri an opening to strike Rien's tanden after being struck with anger. The plan succeeds after Rien witnesses in horror as Jofuku's body is cut in half by Shugen and leaves himself vulnerable to Sagiri's sword strike on his tanden. Sagiri then falls into the ocean, having completely exhausted herself, and clings to a piece of wood to keep herself afloat.

After finishing Rien, Sagiri begins to see the ship collapse as it is no longer held together by Tensen's Tao. She is then called by Gabimaru to grab his hand as they climb down from the ship. Before leaving, Sagiri yells at Shugen to come along but is saddened to see that the Asaemon has died after using too much Tao in his attack to destroy Jofuku's body. Sagiri is then left with a gaping hole in her stomach, revealed to have been made by Rien, who managed to survive being cut in half. Lying conscious of the barley, Sagiri thinks about trying to stop the bleeding on her wound, having remembered Eizen's lesson about how damage to the abdomen when performing seppuku doesn't cause instant death, but realizes that her wound is too severe. She then begins to believe Gui Fa's past words that the only thing each opposing side can do is kill each other. However, after Gabimaru succeeds in convincing Rien to accept Jofuku's death, Sagiri and Gabimaru's wounds are healed by her and they watch her body collapse.

With a clear path home, Sagiri becomes depressed after the group realizes that only one criminal will be allowed to be pardoned once the elixir is delivered. Yuzuriha tells Sagiri that, in the end, a peaceful resolution was not possible and asks if an executioner like her has attached herself to the criminals. Sagiri admits as much, telling them that she considers them very dear to her and asks if it was wrong of her not to have a solution to the problem. Yuzuriha answers no and says she's not a villain unlike the others on board, which leads to a comical conversation. Sagiri and the others are then shocked to see Gabimaru laughing after Yuzuriha and Gantetsusai accuse his wife of being mean, which leads Sagiri to ask if Gabimaru was undergoing arborification again. After being raised, Sagiri and the others ask Gabimaru to tell more about her to pass the time, to which he agrees. Later, Gabimaru and Yuzuriha decide that Gantetsusai should be the one to receive forgiveness and prepare to leave on boats. Sagiri is then informed by Jikka that he will take on the task of cleaning things up. As they leave, Sagiri receives a hug from Nurugai before setting sail with Shion. Sagiri then sees Yuzuriha about to leave and bids her farewell as the kunoichi sends her off. Finally, Sagiri sees that Gabimaru is the last to leave and the two look at each other. They then prepare to say their last words to each other, but decide to part with a smile instead. Gabimaru and Yuzuriha decide that Gantetsusai should be the one to receive forgiveness and prepare to leave on boats. Sagiri is then informed by Jikka that he will take on the task of cleaning things up. As they leave, Sagiri receives a hug from Nurugai before setting sail with Shion. Sagiri then sees Yuzuriha about to leave and bids her farewell as the kunoichi sends her off. Finally, Sagiri sees that Gabimaru is the last to leave and the two look at each other. They then prepare to say their last words to each other, but decide to part with a smile instead. Gabimaru and Yuzuriha decide that Gantetsusai should be the one to receive forgiveness and prepare to leave on boats. Sagiri is then informed by Jikka that he will take on the task of cleaning things up.As they leave, Sagiri receives a hug from Nurugai before setting sail with Shion. Sagiri then sees Yuzuriha about to leave and bids her farewell as the kunoichi sends her off. Finally, Sagiri sees that Gabimaru is the last to leave and the two look at each other. They then prepare to say their last words to each other but decide to part with a smile instead. Sagiri receives a hug from Nurugai before setting sail with Shion. Sagiri then sees Yuzuriha about to leave and bids her farewell as the kunoichi sends her off. Finally, Sagiri sees that Gabimaru is the last to leave and the two look at each other. They then prepare to say their last words to each other but decide to part with a smile instead. Sagiri receives a hug from Nurugai before setting sail with Shion. Sagiri then sees Yuzuriha about to leave and bids her farewell as the kunoichi sends her off. Finally, Sagiri sees that Gabimaru is the last to leave and the two look at each other. They then prepare to say their last words to each other, but decide to part with a smile instead.

After ten days have passed since their return to Edo, Sagiri and Jikka introduce themselves as the only Asaemons to have returned alive and report that the criminals have been executed with the exception of Gantetsusai, who has returned with the Elixir of Life. After receiving the pardon, Aokise prepares to close the meeting but is questioned by Jikka about the arrangements with Chief Iwa. Sagiri then learns that Chief Iwa has been executed for treason against the shogun and has been transformed into a tree after being forced to consume the Elixir of Life. Having managed to convince her that the elixir was beneficial, Sagiri sees Jikka relieved after everything has gone according to plan. Sagiri then thinks of the others, which Jikka takes note of and tells him that the only thing they can do is hope they'll be happy after their story ends, much to Sagiri's delight.



After a year, Sagiri decides to leave home for a while to travel the provinces in the hope of improving her blade-testing skills. At some point during her travels, Sagiri goes to visit Gabimaru and Yui with Yuzuriha accompanying her. She then becomes happy to see Yui in front of her house and has a conversation with her and Yuzuriha while leaving Gabimaru to rest.


Back in the Yamada clan after her long journey, the much-strengthened Sagiri declares her refusal to be forced to marry the clan's current leader, Yamada Asaemon Jikka , as heiress to the clan and challenges him for his position.


Abilities and Powers

Sagiri is a highly-skilled swordswoman who managed to earn the title of Asaemon in the Yamada clan and gain the rank of twelfth to become the clan's next suitable leader. Despite being one of the Yamada clan's top sword testers, Sagiri was limited as a fighter due to her lack of combat experience. However, as her peers pointed out, Sagiri is more than capable of defending herself against dangerous opponents when she has strong resolve, such as Gabimaru, Rokurōta and the powerful Sennin-level beings known as Lord Tensen ... Gabimaru also considered Sagiri to be much stronger than him, declaring that her willingness to accept doubt in herself gave her the power to overcome obstacles in her path, which became the key to his fight against Rien in his Kishikai. Ultimately, Sagiri became one of the first in 1,000 years to survive the trials the island had to offer, including reaching Hōrai where Lord Tensen once resided, and escaping.

Physical capabilities

Sagiri has been shown to possess impressive speed and reflexes. She was able to appear instantly behind Gabimaru without him noticing, and almost decapitated him if not for the sound of her bell betraying her. She was also able to quickly disarm Genji with her sword at the same time as he brought her down to attack him. Her reflexes enabled her to react quickly to a surprise attack from Gabimaru and were even able to block each of Rokurōta's quick, hard punches.


Like all Asaemons, Sagiri is capable of decapitating her victims with a single sword stroke. According to Senta and Genji , Sagiri received an inferior ranking because she was born female, however, in terms of ability, Sagiri's swordplay is considered unrivalled when her mind is determined. A testament to her skills was that she was able to fight on equal terms against Gabimaru with a sword in her hand. Despite her resistance to all forms of execution inflicted upon her, Gabimaru knew that if he were to be executed by Sagiri, she would succeed in killing him, which proved true after leaving a small cut on his neck, a feat that a normal executioner could not accomplish as the ninja was able to harden his body at will. Sagiri is also able to defend herself using only her scabbard to block attacks or cause non-lethal wounds.

  • Tameshi Ittō-ryū: Gusokuwari (試一刀流 具足割, Literal meaning: One Sword School Test Cutting: Armor Splitter): Sagiri swings her sword at her opponent to counter an impending attack. This is called Ittō-ryū: Armor-Splitter in the Viz Anime.
Technical coordinates
  • Tameshi Ittō-ryū Hiken: Futa wa no Tsuki (試一刀流 秘剣ふ たわのつき, Literal meaning: One Sword School Test Cutting Secret Sword: Two-Wheeled Moon: the "tenran" form (展覧試, Literal meaning: exposure) of the Tameshi Ittō-ryū where two Yamada Asaemons synchronize their blades to cut down a target halfway. In a Tao illusion created by Rien , Sagiri and Shion used this technique together to destroy the tanden of a false Rien.
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Sagiri possesses the Tao wood attribute. Thanks to her breathing, Sagiri is able to release a large Tao aura and use it in conjunction with her swordplay against Earth Tao users. After gradually getting used to it, Sagiri became able to sense her opponent's next attacks, something that Shion, a Tao user who awakened this power long before her, noted that he was able to sense the energy much faster than her. After receiving lessons from Yuzuriha, Sagiri became able to suppress her Tao to hide her presence from others.

Middle Way

Since Tao is fueled by extremes, or the discord of an individual, Sagiri is able to increase the strength of her Tao by following the Middle Way, mainly accepting self-doubt as well as her strength and weakness, which has enabled her to fight against people like Rien in her Kishikai. To do this, Sagiri focuses on her breathing as a means of concentration.

Other skills

Thanks to her duties as executioner, Sagiri has developed the sixth sense to know people's true feelings during their last moments, which helped her to know that Gabimaru was lying to himself about wanting to die. She can also see a person's true nature through the reflection of her sword. Another skill she acquired as an Asaemon is the ability to analyze an individual's anatomy. Sagiri was able to determine that the island's Sōshin had muscles and bones but showed no sign of internal organs or genitalia by simply cutting them with her sword.


Sagiri had her own katana before it was cut in half by Gabimaru after their confrontation on the island. She then acquired a sword that had previously belonged to Warped Keiun and was then used by Gabimaru. She then replaced it with one of Genji's swords, given to her as her last wish.


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