Collection: Anime Mouse Pads

Our Mousepads on animes

Dive into the world of your anime favorite with our mouse pads featuring your best anime.

Decorate your Set-Up and/or Desk on the anime universe

Make your Setup shine with the set of these mouse pads featuring your favorite anime characters. Halfway between Japanese tradition and urban culture, the anime Setup are becoming more and more trendy. Japanese prints or anime characters for the Otaku side, and a HighTech design for the Geek style side, perfect for a casual Setup on the cutting edge of gamer fashion. Comfortable and stylish, embark on a sweet journey to the land of the Rising Sun using our HighTech anime gear.

Why fall for a anime mouse pad?

This isn't just a decorative mouse pad, it immerses you in your favorite anime or anime. Our Mouse Pads are Unisex. In terms of maintenance just wash with a cloth according to the instructions on the care label.

Simple in appearance, a mouse pad worthy of the name must be sufficiently padded to ensure a perfect glide of the mouse during its use.

But that's not all, your ideal mouse pad must be pleasant to the eye. By definition, it will be placed on your desk for everyone to see every day. It is therefore essential that it is pretty and conforms to your expectations in terms of graphics so that you do not get tired of it.

Whether it's admiring an epic battle scene up close to your computer with every set-up at your workstation or finding the iconic characters from your favorite anime, our mousepads are here to help you add the designer touch that's been missing from your setup gaming.

Faithful to the original and with unparalleled finesse, our mouse pad prints will leave you in awe and feel like a true work of art from pop culture.

Made of 0.6cm thick polyester, your wired or wireless mouse will move with ease on it. The dimensions of our printed mouse pads are also designed so that you are not limited in your work.

So, beyond a decorative item on your desk, this mouse pad is a true ally for work or play by giving you great freedom of movement.

In addition, all of our anime mouse pads are printed using the best printing techniques on the market. Indeed, mouse movement can have devastating effects on the printing of a low-end mouse pad. At Anime Figure Store, you can be sure that you're getting a top-of-the-line mouse pad that will remain brightly printed and free of wear and tear.

We have personally tested all of these mouse pads and it is the best way to immerse yourself in the anime universe.

Don't hesitate to recommend figures, clothing or anime derivatives that you would like to find on Anime Figure Shop