The Naruto series has become one of the most popular anime since the first episode was released in 2002. With Naruto and Naruto Shippuden anime combining for a total of 720 episodes, fans of the series have become attached to many characters over the years. While the show is incredible, many fans want to express their passion beyond the screen with additional products to symbolize their appreciation for a character. Here are the top 5 Naruto action figures!
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5/ The Funko Pop Naruto (Six Path) Sage Color, a simple but effective figurine
Fans who prefer more detailed figures may want to avoid this option, but for fans who collect other Funko POPs, this is a must have. For a POP figure, this Sage of Six Paths version of Naruto is very detailed and is easily one of the best looking Naruto Funko POPs.
Funko POPs are perfect items to bring to conventions to get signed by voice artists and actors. Fans should check out other Naruto POP figures at major retailers. The glow-in-the-dark variant of Naruto (Sage Of Six Paths) perfectly showcases the power of the character.
4/ Dioramatic Itachi Uchiwa by Banpresto looks straight out of the manga or anime
Fortunately for the many Itachi fans, they can now pre-order one of the most beautiful Naruto figurines to date. This figure depicts one of the most iconic scenes in the series when Itachi prepares to fight his brother, Sasuke.
This figure is also surprisingly affordable and comes in two different versions. "The Brush" version represents the colors of the anime while "The Brush Tones" version is black and white except for some red details, showing things like the Akatsuki symbols on his robe. Fans can order both versions of this figure today on FigureAnimeUK.
3/ Madara Uchiha SH Figuarts (SDCC Exclusive Color Edition), available but for a limited time
Some fans have a real preference for villains and this figure shows perfectly why. SH Figuarts has been creating a line of Naruto figures for years, but this particular figure is special because it's only available at the moment.
Although this figure is sold out at most major retailers, Figurine Manga France still offers it at the fair price of 100€. Madara Uchiha is detailed and nicely colored. His armor has an unmatched quality. It is a must-have for fans of the Naruto villain. It was released around the San Diego Comic-Con.
2/ Gaara's GEM Series by MegaHouse, a real nugget
The GEM series is perfect for fans who have some money to spend and are looking for a high quality figure. All GEM figures sell out fairly quickly but often get reissued due to popularity and demand.
Major retailers such as Figurine Manga France offer Gaara at around 80€. The price is higher than most, but GEM has designed a rare Garra figure that will easily tempt collectors. If fans have the money, this entire line of figures is beautiful and looks great together. Each figure displays the signature abilities of the character.
1/ The Figuarts Zero combo of Minato Namikaze and Naruto Uzumaki by Tamashii Nations
KIZUNA Relations figures are easily some of the most beautiful Naruto figures of all time. Fans can swap figures and place them next to each other to create a great centerpiece.
The Naruto and Minato figures are the most affordable, around 65€ each, and are honestly two of the best looking. Similar to the GEM series, KIZUNA Relations often reissues its best statues, but fans can find the Naruto figure on BigBadToyStore to pre-order while Minato and other characters are available at slightly higher prices.
Our store offers all types of figurines and derivative products of Anime, all our products are faithfully adapted from manga / anime in question.
You will find figures, LED lights, iPhone and Airpods cases as well as clothes and goodies featuring your favorite characters.
The characters present on our online store are from your most popular Anime and Manga such as: One Piece, Naruto, Demon Slayer, Dragon Ball Z, Jujutsu Kaisen...
The anime products we offer are not necessarily products to be offered as gifts. You can use them as a personal item, to decorate your room or to fill your collection cupboard like a real Otaku!
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