Elizabeth Liones

Elizabeth Liones

The Seven Deadly Sins: Confira o cosplay de Elizabeth Liones

Elizabeth Liones is the main protagonist, the 3rd Princess of the Kingdom of Liones, a presumed survivor of the Kingdom of Danafor and a former waitress for the Pig's Hat on its journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins, becoming their greatest ally.

She is also the 107th reincarnation of the Goddess Elizabeth, daughter of the Supreme Divinity, who was also reincarnated as the Sacred Knight Liz.

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She has long, silvery-white hair. One of her eyes is blue, while the other is orange and bears the goddess symbol. She wears a single earring, which is blue, on her left ear with the symbol of the Liones royal family. As her first outfit, Elizabeth wore a black ensemble under armor, to hide from the sacred knights. After arriving at the Boar Hat, she wore its uniform, which was a pink shirt short enough to show her belly, accompanied by a very short skirt. After Meliodas' death, Elizabeth wears a blue shirt and a white skirt.



Elizabeth is very polite and grateful, initially appearing fragile and frail, she is in fact very brave.

Her selfless attitude and courage are shown when she voluntarily tries to save a child from Friesia's attack. Elizabeth, on the other hand, is also a rather gullible person, always being duped by Meliodas' schemes to take advantage of his benefits.

She also lacks self-confidence, seeing herself as a burden to the Seven Deadly Sins. Elizabeth shows great respect and trust for the Seven Deadly Sins by calling them "Lord" or "Lady".

She has shown herself to be strong on several occasions, such as when Veronica dies, Elizabeth has remained strong and continued to fight with the Deadly Sins against the Sacred Knights, even though she often cries thinking of her.

She loves Meliodas, but hasn't revealed her feelings to him because she thinks Meliodas still loves Liz.

Passed 16 years ago

After Liz's death, Elizabeth was born a few moments later. Meliodas pulled her out of the chasm that had formed where Danafor had been. Barely out of the abyss, Meliodas met King Baltra Liones, who took the baby from his hands and decided to make her his adopted daughter.

Introductory arch

She first appears in the bar at the Chapeau du Cochon when the armor she's hiding under, which is actually the source of the "Rusty Knight" rumors, falls to pieces. She is then helped by Hawk and Meliodas.

She then explains that she is in search of the Seven Deadly Sins, when she is interrupted by the arrival of Holy Knights, warned by villagers that the Rusty Knight, who appears to be one of the Seven Deadly Sins, is in the bar. Meliodas and Hawk organize a diversion to enable her to escape, but she is spotted by a knight.

Hawk and Meliodas catch up with them and protect her from her assailants. She then continues the discussion from earlier, explaining to Meliodas and Hawk that she's looking for the Seven Deadly Sins to stop the Holy Knights. Hawk replies by saying that she won't have to attack the Holy Knights, as they are extremely powerful and one of their confirmed members is equal to the entire army of a country.

She goes on to say that she is the Princess of Liones, that the Knights have organized a coup and that citizens are being forced to work in their service. She then says that the only way to stop them and restore freedom to the citizens is to find the Seven Deadly Sins, as these people possess extraordinary power sufficient to defeat the Holy Knights. They are then attacked by a mysterious Holy Knight named Twigo.

Fortunately, Meliodas manages to save her and Hawk. Twigo then notices the Liones royal family symbol on Elizabeth's earring, and decides to kill her to collect the bounty on her wanted poster.

She then flees with Hawk and Meliodas, pursued by Twigo and his air blades, uprooting trees in her path. Elizabeth cries in front of Twigo, but Meliodas reassures her by introducing himself and telling her that he will protect her. Elizabeth then understands that Meliodas is the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, as indicated on his wanted poster.

Twigo also understands Meliodas and decides to attack him to collect his and Elizabeth's bounty, but strangely enough, his attack is returned to him. After Meliodas has defeated Twigo by sending back his attacks, he offers her a job as a waitress in his bar, so as to gather even more information on the whereabouts of the other Deadly Sins. Hawk then asks his mother, Mama Hawk, who is actually a giant pig wearing the Pig Hat bar on her head, to leave with Meliodas and Elizabeth. When she arrives at Bernia Village, she, Meliodas and Hawk notice that the river has dried up, which is a bad sign for the condition of the village.

After understanding that a holy knight, finding Bernia's ale bad, has planted his sword in the ground to stop the water spreading and the barley growing, she and Hawk talk to the village chief to learn more about Mead. She then returns to the Pig's Hat with Hawk to explain to Mead that she too used to get into mischief as a child to attract attention.

After Mead explains his sad orphan past, she waits for howls from the village. Knights are threatening to multiply village taxes by 10 if they don't draw their swords before sunset. As the villagers pull at the sword until their hands hurt, she is surprised to see Meliodas arrive and pull the sword out in one fell swoop, ending the drought.

Nanatsu no Taizai: 5 curious things you should know about Elizabeth Liones | La Verdad Noticias

With the bar packed tonight, thanks to Meliodas' intervention in the afternoon, she's stressed about her first shift. At the same time, she has to take orders and listen to customers' stories about the location of the Seven Deadly Sins. The service is a disaster: she gets the orders wrong, serves the wrong dishes to the wrong tables, slips and drops dishes, much to Hawk's delight.

She decides to leave the bar because she's too ashamed. Meliodas arrives to console her, then some kind of meteorite hurtles towards Bernia. After realizing that it's actually a spear surrounded by lightning, Meliodas blocks it, then sends it back to its launcher, none other than Gilthunder at Fort Solgales. She decides, with Meliodas and Hawk, to leave the Village of Bernia to continue their adventure and find the Seven Deadly Sins.

Arc of the Forest of White Dreams

After learning that a giant was hiding in a strange forest, the members of the Pig's Hat set off. After a three-hour walk, they realize that the forest is shrouded in mist, making it very difficult to find their way around. Then, a strange phenomenon occurs: several Hawks appear. Meliodas decides to defeat all the Hawks.

As all the Hawk clones seem to have disappeared, the real one complains to Elizabeth about Meliodas' behavior, but the strange phenomenon occurs again, this time on Elizabeth. Several Elizabeths appear, but Meliodas manages to spot the real one and defeats all the other clones. Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk realize that the clones are actually little devils with the power to take on the appearance of anyone.

As all the little devils gather in the same place, Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk pursue them and realize they are all going to the bedside of a sleeping giantess they call Lord Diane. The little devils tell her in a panic that they have let a Sacred Knight into the forest, believing Meliodas to be one.

Diane, under the cries of the impish Cache-Cache pranksters informing her that a Sacred Knight has entered the forest, wakes up and abruptly grabs Meliodas. Elizabeth and Hawk beg her not to eat Meliodas, but he starts talking to her in a friendly manner, saying he's happy to see her again after 10 years. Diane then cuddles him, saying she's just as happy to see her "Captain" again.

Elizabeth and Hawk realize that this famous giantess named Diane is actually the sin of jealousy from the Seven Deadly Sins, marked with the sign of the serpent. Diane then gets angry and hits Meliodas when she learns that he's traveling with Elizabeth, who she thought was the woman of his life. After she has calmed down, Meliodas calmly explains that Elizabeth is looking for the Seven Deadly Sins to bring down the Sacred Knights.

Then Diane declares that she agrees to go in search of the other Deadly Sins, for her captain's sake alone. While everyone is happy with the arrival of this new member, Hawk sniffs and says, worried, that it might rain. They then look up to the sky and see extremely menacing black clouds, and lightning flashes down on them. The lightning binds them and prevents them from moving, then they realize that they have come from Gilthunder, arriving to challenge Meliodas.

Meliodas, Diane, Hawk, the Hide-and-Seek Pranksters and Elizabeth are thus imprisoned by Gilthunder's lightning. As Meliodas and Diane realize that this is indeed a Sacred Knight, Elizabeth declares that Gilthunder is not the kind of person to hurt people, as she has known since she was a little girl.

She goes on to say that he also thought of her as his little sister, but he puts on a very frightened expression, the opposite of Elizabeth's description. Gilthunder decides to set her free, then says he only has scores to settle with the Seven Deadly Sins. Elizabeth gets in his way and tells him he won't touch a hair on his head, but Gilthunder electrocutes and hits Hawk. Elizabeth, worried about Hawk, decides to go and rescue him, but Gilthunder takes the opportunity to go and see Meliodas.

She then returns with Hawk, when the fight between Meliodas and Gilthunder is stopped by Diane, who catches and throws Gilthunder away. Elizabeth, Hawk and Meliodas ride on Mama Hawk, who says they're heading for Baste's Keep. Elizabeth says it would be wiser to go and treat Meliodas' wounds first, but Meliodas replies that he's fine, and returns to the bar Le Chapeau du Cochon. Elizabeth, still worried, joins him in the bar to tell him she has retrieved his bag, only to discover that Meliodas has fainted.

Arc Prison of Baste

The Pig's Hat stops off at Dalmary Village, 12 kilometers northeast of Baste's Keep, to treat Meliodas' wounds. At Doctor Dana's house, he tells Elizabeth and Hawk that it's a miracle Meliodas is still alive, and that he won't wake up just yet. Elizabeth apologizes to Meliodas, who is still unconscious, for what he is doing for her. Diane then tells Elizabeth and Hawk, at the window, that she's going to free Ban at Baste's Keep on her own.

She then goes downstairs, accompanied by Hawk, to tell him that she's going with her, but Diane tells her that she'll only be a burden to her, and that she'd better change Meliodas's towel. Elizabeth says she's sorry for the Captain's plight, because it's because of her request that he goes off to find the other Sins and that they face the Sacred Knights. Diane then gets angry, saying that Meliodas isn't doing this just for her, as he's always wanted to do people a favor.

ban seven deadly sins

Diane then tells Elizabeth that she's not pretty and small like her, that she can't go into houses, and that the only thing she can do to help is to fight for Meliodas. Elizabeth says she'd like to be as strong as her to protect her people, then Diane sadly says she wishes she were small. Diane tells Elizabeth that she trusts her to stay with Meliodas, and she heads for the Keep of Baste.

But Elizabeth, Diane and Hawk see clouds above the Donjon de Baste, heading for the Village of Dalmary. But the three of them realize that it's actually a swarm of poisonous insects. They start spraying the village with acid, melting everything, even the stone. As Elizabeth and Hawk hide under a bridge to protect themselves from the attack, Diane shouts that she hates insects. But when Meliodas's room is hit by attacks, Elizabeth runs to save him.

In reality, it's Friesia who is controlling the insects from the Donjon de Baste, to eliminate the sins hiding in the village. Diane decides to use her ability, Creation, to form fists of earth and pulverize the insects, much to Friesia's surprise.

Elizabeth and Hawk are impressed by Diane's power and she tells Elizabeth that Meliodas is in her hands, then sets off, determined, for Baste's Keep. In Doctor Dana's house, Elizabeth and Hawk stand over Meliodas' bed. As Dr. Dana arrives to check on the patient, Elizabeth tells him he's fast asleep and Hawk says he looks dead.

Dana nods and says he certainly is after drinking his poison. Elizabeth and Hawk stand up worried and frightened after the doctor's statement, then they hear a voice thanking Dana for what he's done. Elizabeth, panicking, asks who the voice is, then introduces herself. It turns out to be a Sacred Knight called Golgius, who has the power to become invisible. Golgius then declares that he has come to fetch Elizabeth and Meliodas' sword.

As Meliodas awakens with black eyes and a strange symbol on his forehead, much to the surprise of Elizabeth, Hawk and Doctor Dana, Golgius decides to flee, abandoning the idea of stealing the sword and capturing Elizabeth. Meliodas asks where they are and what's going on. Elizabeth tells him that they stopped off at Dalmary Village to treat her wounds, and Hawk explains that this Sacred Knight named Golgius wanted to capture Elizabeth and steal her sword.

Hawk adds that the doctor they went to is actually on the side of the Sacred Knights, but he realizes that he has run away and wants to go after him, but is stopped by Elizabeth who wants to check that Meliodas' wounds have healed. She is astonished to discover that they have, and the three of them set off in pursuit of Dr. Dana and Golgius. In an alleyway, Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk find Golgius, thanks to the latter's sense of smell. Golgius arrives to attack them, but the floor of the top floor gives way under his weight and he falls to the ground floor.

When Elizabeth tries to save Dana, who has just been pierced by Golgius after asking for her daughter back because he had made Meliodas drink the poison as agreed, Meliodas protects her from Golgius' attacks. Under Golgius's threat, Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk are forced to abandon the doctor and decide to flee to an abandoned building on the top floor.

Stunned, Elizabeth and Hawk spot Meliodas on his way to attack Golgius. While Golgius is thrown out of the house by Meliodas' attack, Elizabeth runs towards Dalmary Village. Meliodas and Hawk follow her and see that she is with Doctor Dana, lying on the ground. Elizabeth tearfully tells her not to die, and Dr. Dana says he has done everything in his power to see his daughter, Cenette, imprisoned in Baste's Keep, but regrets having involved them in this affair, then closes his eyes. Elizabeth then cries that it's all her fault, although Hawk and Meliodas try to console her.

The latter then questions Elizabeth, asking if her desire to protect the kingdom and the people from the threat of the Sacred Knights is so weak as to be broken by a few tears. Elizabeth turns away, challenged, and Meliodas adds that his will is such that he will continue his quest even if she dies.

She then takes Dana to the village clinic. As Meliodas and Hawk set off alone for the Donjon de Baste, Elizabeth arrives to bring Meliodas a kind of bag attached to a scabbard, which she had made while he was asleep. She also tells them that she will accompany them to the Keep of Baste, and that even if they die, she will continue to fight for her people and the kingdom.

The three of them meet up again with Diane, who seems different and has forgotten everything she did in Dalmary Village. Elizabeth and Hawk don't understand Diane's strange attitude, and then Meliodas declares that they are dealing with troublesome enemies. As Diane seems strange, Meliodas asks her if she's all right, and she replies that she's just feeling a bit out of it. Hawk goes on to ask her if she remembers where she was headed, and she replies that she thinks she was going to the Donjon de Baste.

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Elizabeth is then pleased to see that she remembers, and cheerfully tells everyone to go and rescue Ban. Meliodas replies that there's no need, and that they'll start with Cenette, as he's sure Ban will get out of his cell himself if he hears them coming. Diane then strangely strikes Meliodas, thinking he's a Sacred Knight named Ruin, which startles Elizabeth and Hawk.

Meliodas tells Elizabeth and Hawk to flee, which they do. On their way out, they unfortunately come across some shepherds from the Village of Dalmary, returning from pasture. To avoid being attacked by Diane, they ask them to flee with them, which they do.

As the enraged Diane searches for them, they all hide behind a stone. Meliodas tells Elizabeth to stay here while he tries to reason with Diana. Elizabeth consoles the little shepherd boy. Meliodas then hits Diane, thinking he's going to hit Ruin. Meliodas and Diane then both fight, thinking that one and the other is Ruin. Elizabeth flees, with the shepherds and Hawk, wondering what she can do.

As Meliodas and Diane fight, Elizabeth begs them to stop. Diane then returns to normal, and sees everyone again. The little boy Berger goes to see Diane, calling her a giant big sister, and Diane is happy to see that he's okay, then she doesn't see them again. Diane hits Meliodas, which worries the shepherds, but Elizabeth says she's ready to sacrifice herself for them.

Then Friesia arrives and asks Elizabeth if her words are really sincere, and he calls in his insects to attack the little shepherd. Friesia reminds Elizabeth of her words, and Elizabeth decides to brave the danger and go to save the little shepherd. Elizabeth is wounded by the insects, but manages to catch the little shepherd. Strangely enough, Friesia removes all the insects and the little shepherd tells Elizabeth that she is brave, but that what she has done has been for nothing.

Elizabeth, astonished, realizes that the little shepherd is in fact the Sacred Knight named Ruin. Elizabeth and Hawk realize that it is Ruin who has used an illusion to make Meliodas and Diane fight and transform himself into a shepherd. Elizabeth asks him to stop his illusion, but Ruin grabs her and hits her.

Hawk tries to save her, but Ruin also hits him with his stick. Ruin continues to hit Elizabeth, much to Hawk's despair, who can't move. Ruin then tells Elizabeth that it's the bell on his stick that creates illusions, but he realizes that it's gone. Elizabeth took advantage of the moment when Ruin hit her with his stick to steal the bell.

Ruin, furious, was about to strike Elizabeth, but was stopped by Meliodas. Meliodas goes to Elizabeth, on the ground, defeated by Ruin, to tell her that he has accepted her resolution. Hawk apologizes to Elizabeth, saying he wasn't strong enough to protect her. Diane arrives and says they must take her back to Dalmary Village, but Elizabeth insists on staying with them, and Diane decides to put her in her bag. Meliodas then thanks her and Elizabeth smiles into the bag.

After the Keep of Baste has been destroyed, all the prisoners who had been unjustly captured by the Sacred Knights return to the Village of Dalmary, including Cenette. Outside Doctor Dana's house, Diane opens her bag with Meliodas to check on Elizabeth. Elizabeth wakes up slowly and asks them if Ban, Cenette and Hawk are okay. Cenette moans strangely, but Meliodas translates and tells Elizabeth that Hawk means she should think of herself first and then of the others.

Meliodas adds that Ban and Cenette are fine, and Elizabeth asks Meliodas to go see Cenette. Meliodas agrees and goes, with Hawk, and Diane says she'll look after Elizabeth while they're away. At night, during the party, Ban is formally introduced to Elizabeth, who is still in bed because of her injuries. As the party continues, Elizabeth laments that the moment can't last forever, declaring that the events at Baste reminded her all the more of the Sacred Knights' frightening abilities and the fact that only the Seven Deadly Sins could match them.

Diane replies that she didn't know or care about humans and human kingdoms, but that now she's willing to fight for Elizabeth because she's discovered her powers: the power to move her heart and Meliodas'. Diane also asks her if she could call her simply Elizabeth, instead of Princess, which she accepts, and Diane also tells her to call her simply Diane, instead of Lady Diane. Elizabeth then falls asleep peacefully with Meliodas, Diane, Hawk and Ban.

Arch of the Capital of the Dead

After leaving Dalmary Village, during their journey to the Capital of the Dead, Elizabeth apologizes because they had to stay three extra days in Dalmary Village because of her, but Diane says she has to stop apologizing.

Elizabeth apologizes to Mama Hawk for being so lonely, and Mama Hawk replies in dirty language. Diane translates that it didn't bother her, but Hawk translates that she should be warned when she has to be alone for so long. The Pig's Hat arrives at a village that is supposed to be the closest to the Capital of Death.

As Elizabeth says she wants to take part in today's service, Meliodas agrees, but Ban takes the opportunity to leave. Inside the Pig's Hat, Elizabeth asks Meliodas and he replies that he's like the mascot of the Seven Deadly Sins.


Elizabeth has proved herself to be very courageous on several occasions.

She possesses the power of the goddesses because she is a Druid (the Apostle of the Goddesses). She can heal serious wounds, beyond the abilities normally attributed to Druids (due to her true nature as a Goddess). If she does this unconsciously at first, she soon realizes it and gradually develops her power. However, she can only heal people, not herself.

During the fight against Hendrickson, the shock of the battle awakens the power of the Goddesses within her, and her right eye turns golden, displaying the symbol of the Goddesses.

Total Magic Force Spirit
1 925 1 700 5 220


Thereafter, Elizabeth's powers continue to develop, until her second eye awakens. She then recovers her memory of past lives and all the power of the original Goddess Elizabeth. As a result, she can not only heal, but also attack. Her power is comparable to that of Meliodas.


Boar Hat/Seven Deadly Sins/Aiment


They get on very well, even if Meliodas is constantly pawing her. They have a very good relationship, which translates into a mutual attachment and Meliodas's very protective attitude towards Elizabeth. They are also very attached to each other, in a loving way please. It's worth noting that Meliodas will do anything to protect her. (WARNING SPOIL) Elizabeth has fallen in love with Meliodas via the curse.


Elizabeth adores Hawk (and pigs) and trusts him 100%. She finds him very cute and they sometimes team up on missions. Hawk's death was shocking enough to unlock his right eye when he fought Hendrickson.


Originally, Diane didn't like Elizabeth, despite the respect the princess showed her. Elizabeth once said she envied Diane's fighting skills and tried to support her when she fought Friesia. After selflessly trying to save a child when she knew it could cost her her life, Diane seems to start taking an interest in her, leading them to become closer companions, even claiming that she doesn't mind fighting for her. The two become friends and trust each other, which is demonstrated when Diane expresses her regret for King and when Elizabeth confides in Meliodas, although Elizabeth may be afraid of Diane whenever she gets angry. After learning about her and Meliodas' curses, Diane becomes particularly protective of her friend.


Relations between Elizabeth and Merlin are quite good, as Merlin saved Elizabeth's father's life and the princess shows as much respect for the sorceress as for any other member of the Seven Deadly Sins. After Meliodas reveals his past and the secret of his and Elizabeth's fate, and Elizabeth regains memories of her previous incarnations, Merlin's relationship with Elizabeth becomes visibly stronger. Merlin now shows the same level of care and concern for her as he did for the first Elizabeth. In the aftermath of the battle with Melascula, the two women exchanged warm pleasantries, and Merlin even dubbed her "Big Sister", as she did with the original goddess Elizabeth, and Elizabeth, for her part, treats her with the same sororal affection shown to her by the Original Elizabeth.

king seven deadly sins

While Elaine was guarding the capital of the dead, she was soon discovered by Meliodas and Elizabeth. Elaine became attached to Elizabeth because of her kind personality and when they finally met, they automatically became friends and fighting partners during the Festival. They develop a mutual respect and their respective love interests, with Elaine admitting that she finds Elizabeth something special.

Kingdom of Liones


According to her, from the time she was a little girl, he and she played together. They got on very well, even after he changed to protect the woman he loved: his sister, Margaret Liones.


We don't know what their real relationship was, but from what we were told, they got on quite well. He had helped Elizabeth to see Meliodas again in her memories.

Bartra Liones

He's her adoptive father, and she loves him dearly, respects him and feels a deep attachment to him - and it's mutual.

Margaret Liones

She's her adopted sister, and they get on quite well. Elizabeth admires her gentleness and kindness. Margaret, on the other hand, is very worried about her. In the past, Margaret has given Elizabeth earrings.

Veronica Liones

This is her second adopted sister, and we see that Elizabeth loved her very much because she cried when Veronica was seriously injured in her place by Giula's explosions. In the beginning, Veronica was often enraged by Elizabeth's recklessness (particularly because she considers the Seven Deadly Sins to be her enemy), but this ceases when Elizabeth is able to defend herself and the Sins are pardoned by the nation.

Clan of Goddesses and Demons


At first, Elizabeth is hostile to Estarossa for attacking Derieri and would have supported Meliodas to become the Demon King. However, remembering his lonely past and seeing his painful feelings for her and Meliodas, Elizabeth shows compassion for him, even going so far as to ask for help in stopping Meliodas.

After discovering the truth that Estarossa is Mael, Elizabeth is very saddened by his suffering, praying for a way to save his heart from the darkness. When Mael manages to shake off the influence of the commandments and returns to who he was before, Elizabeth is extremely happy.


Derrierie has a strong animosity towards Elizabeth because of her involvement in her sister's murder, to the point of wanting to kill her on sight. However, after being defeated by Meliodas, Derrierie finally admits that Elizabeth saved them at the time. She begins to trust Elizabeth after Monspiet's death, when Derrierie joins her when she had no one and nowhere to go. She seems to be on good terms with her, to the point of risking her life to save her from Estarossa. Derrierie even promised Elizabeth to save Mael for her, even though it was he who had killed Monspiet. Elizabeth's kindness led her to become less aggressive. In his final moments, Derrierie thanked her for all she had done.


At first, Zaneli saw Elizabeth as a nuisance who was "holding everyone back" and was a little jealous of her in love with Meliodas and didn't want any competition. Although Elizabeth tended to be afraid of Zaneli's temper, she appreciated her help with training and new clothes. During the Istar test, Zaneli ordered Elizabeth to grow a flower. However, the pot contained no seeds, which Zaneli knew perfectly well. Inevitably, Elizabeth fails, and will never know the truth.


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