

Demon Slayer : Doma et l'étrange phénomène de ses yeux changeant de couleur  selon son humeur | Anikawa

Doma is a major antagonist in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a demon affiliated with the Twelve Demonic Moons, occupying the position of Second Superior Moon.

Over a century ago, Doma held the position of Sixth Superior Moon, during which time he transformed Gyutaro and Daki into demons and introduced them to the Twelve Demonic Moons.

He is also the head of the Cult of Eternal Paradise, a cult dedicated to the worship of Doma and a place where he listens to all his followers' problems and gives them advice. It also acts as a place where Doma captures and kills humans. This cult was also home to Inosuke Hashibira's mother, Kotoha Hashibira, before Doma killed her for discovering that he was eating his followers.

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As a demon, Doma has taken on the form of a young man with a toned, muscular body and a particularly pale complexion; he has unusually long, pointed fingernails that seem stained pale blue. His hair appears silver or pale golden blond, and he wears it parted on his left, the shorter sections around his face seeming to flare out on either side around his head, curving back with a lock left on his face to fall between his eyes, while the longer sections have been left to drape down the center of his back in a thinning spiral. Her eyes were described as incredibly rare and beautiful in color. They seemed to be made up of an array of rainbow pastel shades that blended into one another, this unusual appearance even making people believe that Doma is a blessed being who could communicate with the gods. The kanji for 'Upper Moon 2' (or 'Upper Moon 6' at the time he first met Gyutaro and Daki) is engraved on them, and they were shaped to slope down towards the sides of his face, with a particularly large and thick set of black eyebrows acting to frame them above. Doma wears a blood-red turtleneck of a design that gives the impression that the section between his neck and the top of his chest is covered in a black substance that seems to flow lightly over his body, the same design repeated on his wrists and hands , as well as on the small circular "bloodstain" he adorns on his head. Underneath, he wears a pair of straight beige hakama pants with fine stripes, the cuffs visibly loose, which he fastens with a golden belt tinted pale green, its buckle a shiny silver. Occasionally, Doma may also have been seen sporting a black coat, which he drapes around his shoulders, two lengths of purple and black fabric with a rectangular pattern also hanging around his neck, and a black crown-shaped hat. which is trimmed in gold around his forehead plates and has black ribbons hanging from each side. He is also usually seen holding a pair of pointed fans made entirely of shiny gold, a lotus motif engraved on them and a hoop of jade-colored ropes suspended from their bases, which acted as his main weapons.



Doma is outwardly friendly, possessing an empathetic and charismatic air, but undeniably deadly and calculating. Believing he's saving them from their suffering, Doma has gleefully devoured his followers and other young women. Although he may seem thoughtful towards his comrades, he feels not the slightest trace of grief at their deaths.

Doma is quite nihilistic and lacking in human emotion, admitting that, even back when he was human, the whole concept of emotion was completely alien to him. Aware that this is abnormal, Doma compensated for his empty "heart" with lies, learning to fake his emotions enough to fool all but the most keen observers. He is a complete psychopath, lacking empathy even for his dying parents and complaining only about the smell of blood that hung in the room after their deaths.

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In addition to his inability to feel emotions, Doma also demonstrated an inhuman tolerance for pain. He was shown to have several disturbing habits such as sticking his finger into his skull, drilling a hole directly through his temples, then stroking his brain to stimulate memories of his long life with a completely serene expression. his face. During his interactions with his senior comrades, Akaz, he showed no negative reaction to his colleague inflicting two fatal blows to the head; in fact, he considered it their form of personal "greeting" between two "best friends". Doma even hinted that he actually enjoyed this physical abuse, as can be seen when he morbidly asked Muzan excitedly what kind of extreme self-mutilation he should inflict on himself as punishment for his failure, and again expressed his joy at the intense pain he felt at Shinobu Kocho's numerous attempts to poison him to death, and even joyfully expressed his delight at the feelings and sensations of the poison destroying his body.

Although he is the head of a cult, Doma is an atheist who firmly believes that gods, Buddhas and the afterlife do not exist. He believed that after death, there was nothing, and that people who "couldn't accept something so simple" were naive and stupid. However, after his death, he accepted that he was wrong and that Heaven and Hell really do exist. He also showed what is probably his first real emotion - a crush on Shinobu.


Because of his beautiful rainbow eyes and pure white hair, Doma has been considered a supernatural being since birth and became the religious leader of the Cult of Paradise Faith, a position he maintains to this day.

When he was still a child, his mother suffered a nervous breakdown and stabbed his father to death for having numerous affairs with other female disciples of the cult. She committed suicide immediately afterwards by poisoning herself to death. However, despite this grueling series of events unfolding right in front of him, Doma was only annoyed by the bloody mess created afterwards and was disgusted by the pungent smell of blood. He simply wanted to air out the room before the stench permanently stuck to the furniture.

At the age of 20, he met Muzan Kibutsuji, who turned him into a Demon.

Demonic life

At some point, Doma became the sixth highest rank of the Twelve Demonic Moons. Meanwhile, while wandering the pleasure district and feasting on the flesh of geishas and other young girls, he came across siblings Gyutaro and Daki, who were both at death's door-Gyutaro had been stabbed in the back and slowly bled to death, while his sister Daki had been burned beyond recognition. Being a "nice guy", Doma offered to turn the couple into demons and save them, giving them his blood to initiate their transformation. He challenged them to become powerful enough to be recognized by "That Man" and become a higher rank in the Twelve Demonic Moons. At one point, Doma became the second-highest rank, surpassing the third-highest rank, Akaza, although he became a demon more recently than he did.

Fifteen years before the present, Doma had a brief history with Inosuke Hashibira. Her mother, Kotoha Hashibira, escaped from her abusive home with her father and found refuge in the Paradise Faith Cult. Kotoha's husband and mother-in-law also joined the cult, but Doma told them they were too noisy, murdered them and abandoned their corpses in the mountains.

Although Doma considered Kotoha stupid, her beauty and singing talent convinced Doma not to consume her and simply let her live her life. However, she discovered that he was devouring other disciples and fled the temple with Inosuke in her arms. Before she could be killed, she dropped Inosuke from a cliff into a river in the hope that he would survive. Doma quickly caught up with them and began killing her quickly and mocking Inosuke for his fate, before eating Kotoha to the bone.

A few years before the present, he met and fought Kanae Kocho. He mortally wounded her, but was forced to withdraw from the rising sun before he could devour her.


Arc Quartier des plaisirs

At the senior ranks gathering, Doma questioned Akaza's lack of interest in him, placing a hand on his colleague's shoulder. He expressed concern for the safety of his comrades, before engaging Gyokko in a little discussion about his pot and the one he'd been given. An irritated Akaza told Doma to move his hand, striking him when he didn't immediately obey. Regenerating the damage almost instantly, Doma complimented his higher-ranking comrades, wondering if he'd become stronger since their last encounter. Shortly afterwards, Muzan arrived and the Second Rank listened to his leader report Gyutaro's death. Doma apologized, wondering impatiently what kind of punishment Muzan would inflict on him, but was told instead that nothing was expected of him.

The eccentric Demon questioned this, but Muzan pointed out the continued existence of the Ubuyashiki family and the inability to find the Blue Lycoris led Doma to admit that he wasn't the best at detective work. Later, he approached Gyokko, eager to accompany him on his new mission, but had the top half of his head destroyed by Akaza for not following their leader's orders.

Doma quickly regenerates and tries to appease Kokushibo, who had cut off Akaza's hand for disrupting the hierarchy. Hearing that it hadn't been to his advantage, Doma noted that Kokushibo's suggestion that Akaza should apply for a bloody battle would be a waste of time given their difference in strength and that he hadn't dodged Akaza's blow on purpose. He then said a cheerful good-bye to Kokushibo, trying again to strike up a conversation with Akaza, and tried once more to join Gyokko and Hantengu on their mission. Failing on both accounts, he tried to flirt with Nakime, but was rejected and taken home, where he was told his followers had arrived. Donning a ceremonial hat, he instructs the messenger to bring them.

Infinite Dimensional Fortress Bow

As he consumes a group of his disciples inside Nakime's infinity castle, Doma notices Shinobu at the entrance to his room. He reacts happily to the idea of having another meal in his room and thanks Nakime. One of her disciples, still alive, begs Shinobu to save her, and Doma, irritated by this, tries to finish her off, only for Shinobu to jump in and save her. She asks the young woman if she's all right, but before she can answer Shinobu's question, the young woman explodes and dies before her eyes.

Irritated by this, and by Doma's insistence that he saved the girl by killing her, Shinobu notices a pair of sharp fans that Doma uses as his main weapon and angrily asks him if he remembers the haori that originally belonged to his older sister. Doma finally remembers her by the butterfly-wing design haori Kanae once wore, and playfully expresses his disappointment at not being able to eat Kanae because of the rising sun, which further irritates Shinobu. The Pillar of the Insect quickly launches an attack on him, using his Insect Breath, Bee Sting Dance: True Beat to inflict a powerful stab directly into Doma's right eyeball, which impresses him because he can't block it.

Although he initially despises her, having correctly guessed that she doesn't have the physical strength to cut off a demon's head, he becomes excited when he learns that Shinobu's true strength lies in her use of various poisons to kill her opponents. Shinobu initially hoped that the first dose of poison she injected him with would be effective enough to kill him, but then learns, much to his disappointment, that Doma had already received information about her poison during her battle with the lower-ranked Spider family 5 Doma then manages to break down and render her poison non-lethal, healing herself from her attack. She's further hamstrung by the fact that Doma is now rapidly developing antibodies and adjusting his body against her poison so that after just five cuts and injections of poison, he's now fully resistant to it. What's more, due to his bloody demon art of icy mist, the air around the room in which they're fighting has gradually cooled, making it increasingly difficult for Shinobu to breathe.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (English) on Twitter: "[ DOMA (UPPER TWO) ]  🇯🇵 Mamoru Miyano 🇺🇸 Stephen Fu ( @ThatStephenFu ) "You don't know how  dreadfully worried I was, since you

Now, hedging his bets on injecting a strong dose to kill him using a six-shot attack, Shinobu hits him using Breath of the Insect, Dance of the Dragonfly: Hexagonal Faceted Eye and successfully hits him. However, as she attacks him, he attacks her simultaneously, severing her collarbone and ribs and puncturing one of her lungs. Finally close to the end of his wits and almost losing all hope of victory, Shinobu tries to draw strength by replaying his elder sister's words of encouragement in his head. Shinobu then prepares to strike Doma again, despite her severe injuries and the immense pain she's in, and attacks him using the Insect's Breath, Dance of the Myriapod: Centipede Zigzag, to confuse him. She strikes Doma directly in the neck, impaling him and sending him flying towards the ceiling. Exhausted and wounded, Shinobu is triumphant to see Doma poisoned and apparently dying from his attack.

However, Doma recovers almost instantly from his attack, by which Shinobu is further enraged. Now exhausted, mortally wounded and dangerously close to death, Shinobu is caught by Doma as they fall from the ceiling. He embraces her in a bear hug, and begins to mock her and calls her whole attempt to defeat him a waste of effort, assuring her that she will live in peace as part of him and mockingly asking for her last words. She curses him spitefully as he begins to kill her.

In the end, she is absorbed into the Higher Rank, just as her disciple Kanao Tsuyuri arrives on the scene, but just before her death she manages to signal Tsuguko to him with her hand. Her death prompts Kanao to go mad in an attempt to save her, but he is rebuffed by an irritated Doma, who tells him not to interfere when he is absorbing someone. He successfully devours Shinobu's body until her butterfly hair is all that's left of her.

Doma notes aloud that Kanao must have been informed of something by the signal Shinobu gave him shortly before his death, wondering what she might have told him, as Kanao stands silently before him, enraged. As he licks Shinobu's hairpin, he says it's a good night, because one beautiful party follows another.

After Akaza's death, Doma says he felt the higher rank had turned into a different creature before his death, and that his demise is inevitable because he never ate women. Doma starts to weep over the death of her "best friend", but Kanao just tells her to stop with the lies. She explains that she knows every word that comes out of his mouth is nothing but random babble, and that it's impossible for him to be truly sad for Akaza because he can't feel anything at all. She says that every person born into the world has feelings, but Doma can't understand those feelings and hides them by spitting out lies. He's never felt happiness, joy, pain or bitterness, and she says he's just an empty shell and asks Doma why he was even born. Doma's face turns serious and asks how Kanao can say something so cruel, to which the young demon slayer replies that she simply hates the demon and wants to send him to hell right now.

Suddenly, Doma appears behind Kanao, trying to use one of her fans to cut off his head, but she quickly dodges and gives him a blow to the stomach, causing some of his organs to fall out. He doesn't seem to feel her blow, simply sending her a few of his ice lotuses and noting that her reaction speed has increased as she is able to adapt to his attacks. As he regenerates his body, it occurs to him that Kanao might actually be stronger than Shinobu, a Pillar.

Trying to suppress his rage, Kanao attacks Doma with Souffle de la Fleur, Fifth Movement: Futile Peony, which he avoids easily, smiling and commenting on how pretty his attack is before sending her his Blood Demon Art, Barren Hanging Garden, which she barely resists with Souffle de la Fleur, Second Movement: Spirit of the Plum Tree. Doma notes that the main reason she is able to counter and dodge his attacks is her extremely keen eyesight. Kanao herself is able to easily predict and divine his every move, taking note of the subtle movements of his shoulders, eyes, toes, elbows and knees to predict what he will do next and from their reaction and against any attack he uses. After understanding the reason for her reflexes and reactions, Doma decides that the best course of action to defeat her would simply be to break her eyes with a swing from her fans. However, Kanao manages to dodge his attack and charges him with Breath of the Flower, Sixth Movement: Peach Whirlwind, which is cancelled by Doma's next Blood Demon Art, Freezing Clouds. The higher rank sends two more attacks, Blood Demon Art, Lotus Vines and Cold White Princesses, her way, which she narrowly avoids before her winter icicles start raining down on her from above.


Overall capabilities: Having occupied the top rank 2 position, Doma is considered the third strongest demon in the series. His combination of fighting techniques and skill is powerful enough to overwhelm and defeat Shinobu, the former insect pillar, without any difficulty and it is also noted that he has defeated Kanae Kocho , the former foil pillar, in the past. According to Doma, Akaza, superior rank 3, would have no chance of defeating him in combat.  Given this, Doma can be presumed to be an extremely powerful demon, even if he is not seen fighting seriously until he is severely weakened by Shinobu's poison.

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Physical capabilities

Immense strength: Doma has incredible physical strength, mainly due to the amount of Muzan Kibutsuji blood he has assimilated, making him perhaps stronger than Akaza because he is of a higher rank. Doma can swing his two fans at subsonic speeds and with great precision. He can also shake them with such force as to generate gigantic gusts of wind.

Immense speed and reflexes: One of Doma's physical abilities is his extraordinary speed of movement, his ability to move immensely faster than the eye can process. This ability was demonstrated several times during his battle in the Infinity Castle arc, the first being when Doma killed one of his cult members right in front of Shinobu without her reacting until the woman's body exploded, another being when he was able to escape Kanao's superhuman vision and steal his Nichirin blade effortlessly, which even took him several seconds to deal with him avoiding Kanao's Flower Breath without any difficulty. Another example was when he quickly stole Inosuke's boar mask without either him or Kanao noticing.

Unlimited stamina: Doma possessed absolute, infinite stamina and vitality, never tiring and always remaining in peak physical and mental condition, while being able to withstand waves of assault like it was nothing. He showed almost complete immunity to repeated violent attacks by his senior comrade, Akaza, having his eyes cut out by Inosuke, being poisoned and stabbed repeatedly by Shinobu, having his stomach slit open by Kanao and inflicting various forms of extreme self-mutilation. on himself. Doma never once expressed the slightest pain, discomfort or panic at having been so badly wounded, being able to continue nonchalantly and calmly to fight, talk or do whatever he was doing as if nothing had happened.

Immense Durability: Doma demonstrated indestructible durability, even when severely weakened. Doma's neck could not be cut by Kanao Tsuyuri even when he was severely poisoned and took 70 times the lethal dose of wisteria flower needed to kill a normal demon.

Mental abilities

Keen intellect: Complementing his cold, calculating disposition, Doma is exceptionally intelligent. While fighting at subsonic speeds with Kanao Tsuyuri , he was able to process and deduce his abilities, assuming that it was his superhuman eyesight that enabled him to parry and dodge his ice attacks. After leaving Kanao and Inosuke Hashibira to fight his ice clones, he interpreted that Inosuke not inhaling his ice powder was because of his extremely acute sense of touch. It is suggested that Doma was able to deceive all his followers, allowing him to kill and eat them. He was able to maintain this for over a century with almost total infallibility. Doma also possesses an incredible memory, being able to recall the most insignificant details of his time as a human, over a century ago.

Tactical Intellect: As a member of the upper ranks who has lived for over a century, Doma has been through perhaps hundreds of different combat situations and threats, which he has always managed to circumvent and overcome. During his battle against Kanao Tsuyuri and Inosuke Hashibira when he could track and overwhelm the two Hashira-level demon slayers simultaneously without even putting up a serious fight.

Demon Slayer: Why Does Akaza Hate Doma? Explained!

Supernatural abilities

Immense Regeneration: Doma displayed incredibly powerful regeneration abilities, as seen when Akaza struck both his lower jaw and upper head, and he quickly regained himself with little or no effort, even considering the fatal attack a friendly gesture. Even when Doma himself absorbed Shinobu's body and ingested over 37 kilograms of poison, some seventy times more than the lethal amount needed to kill an average demon, it was still a long time before it began to have adverse effects. on him.

Biological absorption: Doma demonstrated the ability to absorb and completely devour an entire human body without eating them, having completely decomposed and incorporated Shinobu's body into his own within seconds of killing her.

Reactive adaptation: During his battle with Shinobu, he was able to break down and render useless all the various mixtures of poisons that Shinobu had injected into him, immediately developing antibodies against his poisons without too much trouble. His adaptive abilities even shocked Shinobu Kocho.

Enhanced senses: like all members of the Twelve Demonic Moons, Doma possesses senses honed to almost superhuman levels. He has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to detect and perceive attacks even from places he's not looking, enabling him to fight at a more efficient pace.

Blood Power

Caryokinesis: Complementing Doma's cold-blooded nature, his blood demon art allows him to generate and manipulate ice and frost from his flesh and blood. The ice he creates is a deep, light-blue color with little purple or white, and is icy cold, almost freezing Kanao Tsuyuri and Shinobu Kocho within an instant of contact. Doma can generate his ice at any distance, from the edge of his fans or dozens of meters away. He has repeatedly shown that he can shape ice into different shapes and sizes, including lotuses, gusts of icy wind and even a giant statue of a bodhisattva. He can also create a special ice powder that can suck the blood out of humans and cause their cells to slowly die. His ice powder, once inhaled, will slowly deteriorate his opponent's lungs, eventually nullifying his ability to breathe and fight.

Various capabilities

Apathy: Doma is completely emotionless, despite the carefree, emotional disposition he carries. Kanao Tsuyuri is the only human to be able to discern his true disposition using his superhuman eyesight, and has concluded that Doma simply acts as if he's showing emotions in the hope that one day he'll actually be able to "feel". Even as a child, he was completely devoid of emotion, as when his parents killed themselves, he wasn't shocked or petrified, rather oddly, he felt bored as their blood made the room feel stuffy. Although after her death, he seems to have developed feelings for Shinobu Kocho, making this the first time he's shown real emotion.

Fighting style

Wielding Two Fans: Doma's main form of attack and defense is to channel his techniques through his two Japanese war fans, using them both to launch powerful, destructive attacks and to parry his opponents' attacks. The fans also have the secondary function of dispersing Doma's icy ice powder whenever he waves and moves them to attack or block, spreading it around his immediate area for his opponents to inhale during battle. Living for more than a century, his martial arts prowess with fans has been enhanced to the point where he can fight his opponents at subsonic speeds while making full use of them for attack and defense.

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Doma's techniques involve using his two Gunsen fans in conjunction with ice and frost for offensive and defensive purposes.


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