

Let's Talk Sesshomaru – Black Gate

Sesshōmaru ("Destruction of Life") is a powerful inu daiyōkai , feared throughout the feudal era . He is the eldest half-brother of the hanyō Inuyasha and the eldest son of Tōga.

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Unlike many other yōkai , Sesshōmaru had no interest in possessing even a single shard of the Shikon Jewel to enhance his powers and regarded yōkai who sought his abilities solely to strengthen themselves as pathetic and weak . Despite his lack of interest in the Shikon Jewel, he aspired to end Naraku's life for personal reasons. On his journey, he is accompanied by a two-headed dragon named A-Un , a yōkai imp named Jaken , an orphaned human named Rin , and finally Sango's younger brother Kohaku . On several occasions throughout the series, Sesshōmaru's group encountered Inuyasha's group as the two teams tracked down Naraku, and Sesshōmaru more or less willingly helped Inuyasha and his friends, which he always claimed had not been his real intentions in such a situation.


Sesshōmaru is the son of Tōga and another inu daiyōkai . He saw his father as the ultimate opponent, wishing to defeat him in battle and seize his two legendary swords . He spoke with his father after the battle with Ryūkotsusei , demanding that the two swords be returned to him. However, when asked if he had anyone to protect, Sesshōmaru told his father no. After his father died to protect Sesshōmaru's new hanyō half-brother and his human mother , Sesshōmaru began to hate them, considering such an act pathetic and unworthy for a great yōkai such as Tōga. Because of his father's wishes, he received Tenseigainstead of the other two swords to eventually teach him compassion. He met Kujaku and Seiten whom they told to fight the four gods of war based on his father's last words, but he refused. When Sesshōmaru saw that they had been killed, he met Kyōra until he was caught by the Mark of the Shitōshin . After that, Sesshōmaru began a centuries-long nomadic journey in search of power and to battle the most powerful beings alive.

On his journey, Sesshōmaru crossed the plains of Musashi province, where Jaken and his goblin tribe were attacked by a powerful yōkai . After saving them, he was greatly admired by Jaken, who decided to leave the tribe and follow him. Sesshōmaru ignored him at first, but eventually accepted Jaken's request to become his servant. He grants Jaken a weapon, Nintōjō, which is used as a detector and flamethrower.

Fifty years before the start of the series and shortly after Inuyasha was sealed to the sacred tree, Sesshōmaru was met by Panther Devas of the Panther Demon Tribe ( Tōran , Karan , Shunran and Shūran ). The Panther King was defeated by Tōga 150 years before Inuyasha fell under the spell. Sesshōmaru was joined by an army of yōkai his father saved during the battle, however, they were all killed by Panther Demon Tribe. The battle ended when Tōran fled in a fight with Sesshōmaru.

Search Tessaiga

Sesshōmaru began his quest for Tessaiga by searching for the place described by a short riddle: "Seen, but never seen, protected, but never known by its protector." This was the only known clue to Tessaiga's location. First of all, he had arrived at his father's stone tomb and even though his elfin servant, Jaken, said that his Nintōjō says that this is not the way, then he suggested that they go to his younger brother, Inuyasha, to ask where his father's tomb was... . Sesshōmaru and Jaken were then seen riding a huge oni , attacking a woman chained in a flying car. Inuyasha tried to save the woman, but Jaken attacked Inuyasha with the Nintōjō, attracting his attention. Sesshōmaru mocked him for being a hanyō and asked him where their father's grave was, only to be told that Inuyasha didn't know. Sesshōmaru then told Inuyasha that if he didn't answer, he would kill the woman in the car, Inuyasha's mother. At first, Inuyasha didn't believe the woman was his mother. However, Sesshōmaru told him that he had resurrected her and given her a new body, which later proved quite possible due to the power of Sesshōmaru's Tenseiga. After hearing from the woman that she really was his mother brought back from the dead, Inuyasha tried to attack the yōkai and save her. Sesshōmaru ordered the yōkai to attack them, but before they could be harmed, Inuyasha's mother transported them to another location. Sesshōmaru was annoyed by Jaken's awkward plan and told him that if he failed, he would kill him.

Jaken went to where Inuyasha was, where it was revealed that the woman was not Inuyasha's mother, but a yōkai called Mu -on'na . The Unmother was a spirit of women whose children had been killed in the war. To induce Inuyasha to reveal the secret of Tessaiga's whereabouts, Sesshōmaru then appeared and delighted in knowing where their father's grave was. He grabbed Inuyasha and removed a black pearl from Inuyasha's eye. He then used the Nintōjō carried by Jaken to open a portal from the black pearl. He and the others jumped in, traveling through the world between the living and the underworld .

Sesshōmaru entered his late father's skeleton and tried to remove Tessaiga, but was unable to do so due to a spell on the sword that prevented the full yōkai from touching him. Inuyasha arrived and tried (but failed) to remove him. Sesshōmaru then attacked Inuyasha. Kagome, who was knocked down by Jaken with the sword in her hand, pulled it out by accident. Sesshōmaru, enraged that a lowly human could remove Tessaiga, asked Kagome to submit the sword to him. However, Kagome refused and threatened to cut him with the sword. Inuyasha warned Sesshōmaru to stay away from Kagome for good. Sesshōmaru, who hated humans and hanyō, then sprayed toxic sludge on Kagome, covering her. He also pointed out to Inuyasha that Inuyasha's love for humans was what made him weak, just like his mother. Inuyasha was furious and attacked Sesshōmaru not only because of what he had done to Kagome, but also because he had insulted the memory of Inuyasha's human mother by claiming that she had "dirty blood". Kagome then emerged from the mud, unscathed because Tessaiga had protected her.

Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha began to fight. Inuyasha used Tessaiga, who looked like a useless piece of metal, to no avail. Sesshōmaru began filling the inside of his father's skeleton with poison gas, forcing Inuyasha and Kagome to escape outside. Inuyasha told Kagome she was crazy to think he needed to believe in the sword for it to work. Kagome began to cry, asking him if she should give up all hope, only to be told by Inuyasha to shut up and let him protect her. As Inuyasha approached Sesshōmaru to deliver the final blow, the sword began to pulse and suddenly transformed into a huge fang-shaped sword. Inuyasha then severed one of Sesshōmaru's arms, so he was forced to flee. After leaving the border, he was completely wounded and was overheard by Sara Asano the princess of the Asano clan at Asano Castle .

Naraku's help

A band of outlaws, who had just plundered a poor village, were passing through a land where yōkai were supposed to come out at night. They saw someone ahead of them and, assuming it was only a human, began to attack. "The human", in fact Sesshōmaru, killed them all with a single sweep of his arm. Jaken walked up to him through the grass and congratulated his master on defeating the men so quickly. Sesshōmaru threw the arm, which he had stolen from a yōkai he had defeated, to the ground, unable to find a permanent arm to use after Inuyasha had cut it off. A man, Narakudéguisé, suddenly appeared behind Sesshōmaru, and offered him a human arm with a shard of the Shikon no Tama embedded in it. He said that Sesshōmaru couldn't touch Tessaiga because he was a yōkai, but if he used a human arm, he could. He also gave him a beehive that could be used to block the black hole in Miroku's hand . Naraku asked Sesshōmaru to use his gifts to defeat Inuyasha for him, an offer Sesshōmaru accepted.

A huge dark claw then spun across the sky and began wreaking havoc on a city. It turned out to be another of Sesshōmaru's shadow beasts, and the villagers fled in fear. Sesshōmaru released poison from his hand, and Inuyasha covered his nose with his sleeve and coughed as Kagome, Miroku and Shippō backed away. Sesshōmaru said he had come to claim Tessaiga. Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru fought for a while, and Sesshōmaru used his human arm to seize Tessaiga. He showed Inuyasha how to kill a hundred yōkai with a single stroke of his blade . They fought for some time before Miroku intervened and used his Kazaana . Sesshōmaru released the beehive Naraku had given him, and Saimyōshōa flew into Miroku's hand. Miroku was poisoned and rendered unable to fight. Kagome ran to fetch him an antidote, while Inuyasha continued to fight with Sesshōmaru. Miroku and Shippō fought Jaken, who used his Nintōjō, hurling fire at them.

Sesshōmaru was about to kill Inuyasha with Tessaiga when an arrow flew at him, canceling his transformation. Kagome was seen standing on a hill with her bow and arrow out. She said the next arrow would go into Sesshōmaru's heart and warned Inuyasha to move away. Sesshōmaru charged Kagome, but Inuyasha jumped in front of him and took the blow for herself. Later in the battle, Inuyasha managed to snatch Sesshōmaru's new arm, but was stabbed by Sesshōmaru's poisoned claws in the process. Sesshōmaru and Jaken left, and the insects retrieved the Shikon Jewel shard from Sesshōmaru's arm.

Tessaiga and Tenseiga

Sesshōmaru, dissatisfied with his current demon sword, Tenseiga, wished to have the distracted old blacksmithmake a new one. The reluctant Tōtōsai asked Inuyasha to defend him, provoking the brothers to fight. Tōtōsai revealed the heritage of Sesshōmaru's sword before creating a diversion to allow Inuyasha and the rest of his companions to escape. Shortly after leaving Inuyasha and his companions, Tōtōsai is attacked by Sesshōmaru. Once again, Inuyasha fought his brother as Tōtōsai's protector, but had to contend with Sesshōmaru's new defense, a dragon arm. As Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru continued to fight for possession of Tessaiga, the two brothers discovered the unexpected power of their respective legacies, as Inuyasha discovered the true power of his sword, and Sesshōmaru, who called his sword useless, was saved by his father's legacy.

After the battle, an orphaned human child, Rin , tried to nurse the wounded Sesshōmaru back to health. Although he initially tried to frighten her, she returned to him, comforted by the slightest show of interest. She was mauled to death by some of Kōga's wolves as she tried to return to him; Sesshōmaru would initially ignore her, but driven by curiosity and spurred on by Tenseiga's pulses, he tested the blade on her, felling the henchmen of hell who had come to reclaim her soul and bringing her back to life. He walked away and Rin followed, becoming his traveling companion. He was also delighted to learn that Tenseiga had its uses and wasn't just a useless sword that couldn't kill.

Handling the Tōkijin

Finding the corpse of the fallen Goshinki and detecting the scent of Inuyasha on it, Sesshōmaru took the yōkai's head to Kaijinbō , the rogue blacksmith and former disciple of Tōtōsai, to order a sword made from Goshinki's head. The same day Kaijinbō arrived, possessed and brandishing his new Tōkijin creation, Inuyasha had transformed into his human form and was defenseless. Then, fortunately, Tōtōsai appeared and gave Inuyasha his repaired sword, which was too heavy for him to lift. Kaijinbō was then destroyed by his own creation because he was too evil for his creator to wield. Kaguradirigea Sesshōmaru towards Tōkijin and watched as the demon claimed his sword and brandished it against his brother. As Inuyasha and his friends escaped before feeling the full weight of Sesshōmaru's new weapon, Kagura decided that Sesshōmaru might be strong enough to destroy Naraku.

The true nature of the devil

Inuyasha's demonic transformation gave him great power, but no sense of control over his actions, as he killed indiscriminately, which Sesshōmaru discovered when he arrived to assess his younger brother's power after listening to the wisdom of Bokusenō, a yōkai tree and friend of Tōga .

The Naraku map

Kagura kidnapped Sesshomaru's young mortal companion, Rin. As Jaken and Sesshōmaru discussed their options, one of Naraku's demonic puppets appeared before them. It threatened Sesshōmaru with his life unless he agreed to kill Inuyasha. Instead, Sesshōmaru followed Naraku to his castle . On arrival, Naraku revealed his true demon form, a collection of rejected yōkai, and attacked Sesshōmaru. Naraku secretly planned to absorb Sesshōmaru into his own flesh as Sesshōmaru cut off parts of his body and surrounded himself with Naraku's fallen flesh.

At the same time, Inuyasha had also found Naraku's castle. He broke through Naraku's barrier with his new red Tessaiga . Meanwhile, Kagome and the others pursued the only jewel shard Kagome detected, which was Kohaku , who had been tasked with guarding Rin. Naraku was forced to fight Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha at the same time. When Naraku was badly wounded, he escaped in a cloud of miasma . Sesshōmaru suddenly realized why Naraku had kidnapped Rin - as a method of distracting him in case he needed to escape. Naraku telepathically ordered Kohaku to murder Rin.

Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha arrived just in time to stop Kohaku. When Sesshōmaru looked into Kohaku's eyes, he realized he was an empty husk and was ordered to perform his actions. He released Kohaku to Inuyasha and his group and escaped with Rin.

Mount Hakurei

Having decided to hunt down Naraku, Sesshōmaru headed for Mount Hakurei , where he first saved Kagome Higurashi, Miroku and Sango from poison user Mukotsu , one of the Shichinintai; however, when confronted with the fact that he had saved Kagome and the others, he simply said, "I only killed him because he wouldn't answer my questions."

Later, Shippoa told Inuyasha that Kagome, Miroku and Sango had stopped breathing because of the poison. Inuyasha was shocked and began to cry, as he was unable to protect them. Inuyasha left to be alone and began chopping down trees and shouting in frustration, seeking revenge on the Shichinintai and Naraku. In his angry daze, Sesshōmaru appeared and asked him why he was so inconsolable. Inuyasha explained, and Sesshōmaru told him that a hanyō could barely protect himself, let alone others. Inuyasha, tired of being mocked, said that if he killed Sesshōmaru, he would have the Tenseiga and could revive his friends, to which his brother said that a hanyō could never master the sword. Inuyasha began to strike Sesshōmaru, but the illusion disappeared, suggesting that it was all in Inuyasha's head to begin with.

Inuyasha" Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaru (TV Episode 2000) - IMDb

After Mukotsu's death, Naraku ordered the five remaining Shichinintai to kill Sesshōmaru as well. Jakotsu and Suikotsu went after him, the former noting that protecting Rin was Sesshōmaru's weakness. Later, Suikotsu and Jakotsu cornered Sesshōmaru, threatening to kill Rin if Sesshōmaru made a move. Sesshōmaru performed an impressive maneuver, throwing his sword behind him and impaling Suikotsu with it, then rushing into the path of Jakotsu's Jakotsutō and plunging his claws into Jakotsu's heart. However, Sesshōmaru, thinking this was enough to kill them, let his guard down, and as Rin fled from her captors, Suikotsu caught her and aimed to kill her. Jakotsu told Sesshōmaru it would be too late to save her, but suddenly Kikyōarrived, managing to stop Suikotsu with his sacred arrow .

Later, he saw Naraku's miasma destroying the vegetation of Mount Hakurei and many yōkai escaping from the destroyed barrier. Perhaps watching Naraku's attempt to kill Kikyō, Sesshōmaru appeared before Naraku; he believed that since he had come out of hiding, he had become stronger. Testing his theory, Sesshōmaru destroyed Naraku's body, but Tōkijin's strength was returned by Naraku's barrier. He made a final slash that tore Naraku's head in two. However, he failed to destroy him for good, watching him flee once more. When Inuyasha arrived to see Kikyō's broken bow, Sesshōmaru berated his brother for not being able to save her, telling him to chase Naraku instead of yelling at her.

Border battle

Sesshōmaru followed the scent of a stream of blood to the decapitated Tekkei , and wondered what had happened. Kagura appeared and informed him that Naraku had gone to the border between the living and the dead to retrieve the last jewel shard. She led him to the Fire Country Gate; there he drew Tenseiga, pacifying Gozu and Mezu , and allowing him to enter through the gate without being turned to stone. He flew back to his father's tomb and repeatedly tried to break Naraku's barrier; Naraku provoked him by allowing his superfluous limbs to be destroyed. However, once Inuyasha won and used the Kongōsōhawhich broke Naraku's barrier, Sesshōmaru's attack tore him apart. Seeing that Naraku had fled to the world of the living, Sesshōmaru returned to the gate with Inuyasha's group.

Kagura's death

Kagura, one of Naraku's reluctant incarnations, later betrayed Naraku to gain his freedom. She believed that only Sesshōmaru could defeat him; she also seemed to have amorous feelings for him, as did Sara . After attempting to attack Goryōmaru's temple and injuring herself, she fell into a river near Sesshōmaru's group. Recovering, she explained that Naraku used an orb known as Fuyōheki to hide his heart , and gave Sesshōmaru yōki crystal shards to help him find Naraku's heart. Sesshōmaru entrusted Jaken with the care of the crystals.

During a battle with Mōryōmaru , Sesshōmaru smelled Kagura's blood and Naraku's miasma. Mōryōmaru insulted her, infuriating Sesshōmaru, who quickly concluded the quarrel, breaking Tōkijin in the process. He left the sword behind, choosing to obtain a new one instead of reforging Tōkijin.

Just as Kagura thought she would die alone in the field of flowers, Sesshōmaru appeared before her, much to the Wind Witch's surprise. Sesshōmaru told Kagura that he had caught the scent of blood and miasma. Kagura replied, "I see, you thought I was Naraku. Are you disappointed that I'm not Naraku?" Sesshōmaru replied, saying, "I knew it was you." He reached Tenseiga, but then realized she couldn't be saved. Kagura was happy to have seen Sesshōmaru one last time. She looked up at him and smiled as she died before him, dissolving into the wind. When Inuyasha came just after Kagura's death, he asked Sesshōmaru if she had suffered. Sesshōmaru simply looked up to the sky and said, "She was smiling," then walked away.

Developing the Meidō Zangetsuha technique

Tenseiga called Tōtōsai, and he later said that the sword had told him that Sesshōmaru's heart had felt something it hadn't felt before: rage or grief on behalf of another, not just himself. Because a technique that sent his enemies directly into the Netherworld was so powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands, Sesshōmaru's heart had to be mature enough to use it responsibly. In this way, Kagura's death helped Sesshōmaru mature into a more powerful and responsible individual.

When Sesshōmaru learned to interpret Meidō Zangetsuha , he reflected on Kagura's death and how Mōryōmaru told him that she had died for nothing. He then thought, "I, Sesshōmaru, will be the one to decide if she died for nothing." The wind then blew, which Rin pointed out, and the group of three left Tōtōsai. The wind was supposed to represent Kagura's spirit.

In an effort to further strengthen and improve Tenseiga's powers, Sesshōmaru visited his mother in search of a way to make a complete Meidō. He ventured into hell after an underworld yōkai caught Rin and Kohaku; the latter was still alive, due to the Shikon Jewel shard in his back, but Rin didn't regain consciousness. Sesshōmaru felt regret, believing he should never have taken her and should have left her in a human village; he felt frustration and blamed himself for her death. Sesshōmarului's mother offered a way out of the underworld, which he refused, offending her. Sesshōmaru found Rin in the hands of the master of Hell. After killing the yōkai, he realized that Rin was not living again and declared that improving and strengthening his sword was not worth the price of Rin's life. Corpses in hell surrounded them, and with his grief for Rin, he used Tenseiga to purify them. When he returned to the living world with Rin's body, his mother scolded him for thinking he was a god who could control life and death, and told him that Tenseiga could only revive the same person once, and that when his heart wished to save his "loved one", he must also feel both sadness and fear at that moment, which is what it meant for him to have "a compassionate heart".

Sesshōmaru could only learn to understand the value of a life and acquire a truly compassionate heart when the life that was most valuable to him was lost, and "a compassionate heart" was what was needed for one who wielded a destructive Tenseiga, which could send enemies into the Netherworld.

Her mother told her not to expect her to do it twice, placing the Meidō stone around Rin's neck. To her relief and happiness, Rin was resurrected once more. His mother asked Jaken if Sesshōmaru was happy when she resurrected Rin, and Jaken replied that he was "very happy".

Final battle with Naraku

Sesshōmaru realized his true potential as a true daiyōkai after Tenseiga's fighting technique, Meidō Zangetsuha, was given to Inuyasha. Sesshōmaru abandoned his obsession with Tessaiga in a battle with Magatsuhi and regained not only his left arm, but also his own sword . As Kohaku's luster was defiled, even Kagome's powers were sealed, Sesshōmaru followed his brother and his group to Kaede village to meet and brought Kohaku to Kikyō's younger sister, Kaede , as he ordered Tōtōsai to forge a scabbard for Bakusaiga.

He then used this sword to fight Naraku with Inuyasha's group in the final battle, but not before rescuing Rin who was captured, helping in the final destruction of the evil hanyō by destroying large amounts of Naraku's body and neutralizing his regeneration abilities.

Life later

Three years after Naraku's defeat, Sesshōmaru visited Rin, who was under Kaede's care, with gifts. Kagome called him "big brother" and was apparently annoyed but actually deeply happy / carefree because he scolded Jaken for thinking Kagome was out of place.

Six months later, Sesshōmaru has identified the demon attacking the village called Root Head . He came to Miroku and Sango in Kaede village to protect Rin only, not to fight Root Head.

Hanyo no Yashahime

Sesshōmaru refused to inherit his late father's title as Lord of the Western Lands . Some four years after the battle with Root Head, Rin gave birth to their twin daughters . However, he and Jaken were confronted by Kirinmaru's eldest sister , who warned them that the twins were now targets to be eliminated to prevent the prophecy of Kirinmaru's downfall at the hands of a being that is neither human nor yōkai and an impossible entity that transcends time. itself. In response, Sesshōmaru took his newborn daughters to a forest to hide them from Kirinmaru. During the journey, Sesshōmaru was attacked by Joka, who was sent by Zero to kill the twins. Sesshōmaru easily cut off Joka's arms and took gold and silver from himRainbow Pearls . Sesshōmaru placed the sleeping twins next to a tree in a forest . Jaken, arriving after giving Kagome and Inuyasha their plans to destroy the Grim Comet , formed a barrier to protect them from any yōkai that hunted them. Before leaving, Sesshōmaru gave Towa the silver pearl and Setsuna the gold pearl for safekeeping and to further enhance their strength as inu-hanyō whenever necessary.

The next morning, Sesshōmaru came to his mother's mansion while Jaken felt relieved that she wasn't there, and Inuyasha and Kagome arrived. As he approaches the Grim Comet, he uses Bakusaiga to cut it in half and lets Inuyasha use Meidō Zangetsuha on the demon that emerges. He then finds Zero having cursed Rin with a silver scale on her neck, and as he attempts to use Bakusaiga on Zero, she warns him that she has used a red thread of fate on Rin, meaning that killing her would kill Rin, and tells him that she will remove the curse she has placed on her if he reveals the location of her twin daughters. However, Rin wouldn't allow it and grabbed her Bakusaiga and begged him to end his life. After Zero had left, Rin had fainted and Sesshōmaru and Jaken were climbing A-Unto seal her in the Sacred Tree of Ages .

When Zero awakened Kirinmaru to track down Inuyasha with his and Kagome's newborn daughter, Sesshōmaru apparently helped him but unbeknownst to Kirinmaru, his real aim seemed to be to protect them, having clearly warned Inuyasha and Kagome before allying with Kirinmaru so Inuyasha and Kagome could ask Hachiemon to bring their daughter to safety. Before Kirinmaru could kill the parents, Sesshōmaru dug out Inuyasha's black pearl and used it to send them to the border of the beyond . Jaken convinced Kirinmaru that Inuyasha's Meidō Zangetsuha would be needed in the future.

Four years later, he is shown with Zero and Homura atop a hill, where Zero instructs Homura to burn the forest with "these cursed half-demons". When she asks Sesshōmaru if he agrees to this, he simply turns and walks away, as he couldn't kill Zero without killing Rin. Jaken was eventually sent with A-Un on her behalf to protect Setsuna by sending her to the village of Shiori , a safe haven for hanyō children .

After a decade, he was seen in the Sacred Tree of Ages, where he apparently watched his spirit speak to his teenage twin daughters and half-niece about their destiny. After they are sent away by the Tree, he then asks her if it's okay to let Rin sleep if he continues to abandon her, but she simply walks away without answering.

Several months later, he finally emerges to protect his twin daughters from Kirinmaru's attack. He throws his power-laden Bakusaiga sword into the ground to prevent Kirinmaru from finishing them off and fights Kirinmaru to a stalemate, forcing Kirinmaru to leave Towa and Setsuna alive but not before reminding Sesshōmaru that the two Great Demons must still work together. With Kirinmaru repelled and his daughters safe, Sesshōmaru decides to leave and sternly reminds Jaken not to tell his daughters their secret.


At the Sacred Tree of Ages, Sesshōmaru sensed that the smell of the wind had changed and realized that his daughter Setsuna still couldn't suppress her blood since Zero had broken the seal spell she'd stolen from Miroku. He and Jaken later notice Akuru, but ignore her and go to see Rin. When she suddenly wakes up gasping and spasming, he realizes that Zero is dying and immediately goes to where his daughters fought Zero, Setsuna having shot Zero with her Blood Blade, and commenting that she wasn't using her weapon to shoot him, used Tenseiga to revive her, successfully saving Rin. This only angered Zero and she destroyed Tenseiga and decided to use her demonic powers and was about to use the Rainbow Pearls when Kirinmaru descended. Ignoring Kirinmaru's forgiveness for the destruction of Tenseiga, Sesshōmaru grimly decided to kill Zero even if it would kill Rin, realizing that his desire to kill Towa and Setsuna had gone too far and knowing that Rin would rather die than let their daughters be killed. Despite being stopped by Kirinmaru, Sesshōmaru refused to back down and managed to persuade Kirinmaru to stop Zero from using her demonic power by commenting on how much more pitiful she was becoming.

As Kirinmaru obeyed and scattered the seven rainbow beads across the land and Zero was enraged and disowned Kirinmaru as his younger brother, Sesshōmaru pursued her and told Kirinmaru to fight the half-demon princesses as a test of courage and cowardice. After Kirinmaru won the battle and left Setsuna for dead, and Towa and Moroha were bludgeoned, Sesshōmaru appeared before the eyes of his elder twin daughter and offered her the Tenseiga knowing that, though broken, she could use her demonic energy to create a demonic blade to revive Setsuna. . Sesshōmaru stayed behind to guide Towa to use Tenseiga. After Towa collapsed from overexertion, Sesshōmaru grabbed her and laid her down and called Setsuna, who awoke and used the Yukari no Tachikiri.forged by Tōtōsai to destroy the demons around them. Sesshōmaru then handed the broken Tenseiga to Tōtōsai for repair and left. As Sesshōmaru left, Tōtōsai noted that Sesshōmaru had become more tolerant in the years since he had last seen him.

As Sesshōmaru and Jaken visited the comatose Rin and the dream butterfly began to fill his wife again with Setuna's dreams and sleep, he realized that their youngest twin daughter and the other two were heading to where Bokusenō lived. When asked by his longtime devoted servant Jaken if Setsuna would be able to fully master the Yukari no Tachikiri, Sesshōmaru simply declares that even he doesn't know if she will, and again takes leave of the inner depths of the Sacred Tree of Age.

Sesshōmaru and Jaken later appeared to Towa, Setsuna and Moroha with Sesshōmaru's main interesting being with Setsuna's mastery of Yukari no Tachikiri. When Setsuna declared that she still hadn't fully mastered it, Sesshōmaru declared that she still didn't have the will to master it. Hearing Setsuna want to save Rin, Sesshōmaru cuts off his Dream Butterfly to motivate his younger twin daughter to master her weapon to save her mother.

A few days later, he is back in the Sacred Tree of Ages, which again has a reddish hue, and seems to be agitated as the fatal curse of the silver scale has spread further across his wife's neck and face. He leaves to bring Towa and Setsuna at the request of their ailing mother, but Rin informs him that she can feel Towa crying.


Sesshōmaru, born of a great line of yōkai, possessed the perfect power that many yōkai desired. For this reason, he was always composed and confident in his power, displaying a calm, calculating personality at almost all times. The only trait he inherited from his father was a fondness for humans, which didn't manifest itself until later in his life. His calm demeanor often kept his thoughts free of emotional influence.

His aloof, indifferent air was a product of dignity that only such a rare demonic power could possess. Sesshōmaru was more or less emotionless, with only anger, annoyance and dissatisfaction on his face. Because his heart and body were so strong, he had no desire to possess the sacred jewel, nor to conspire with allies. Sesshōmaru even responded sarcastically towards Naraku, who had taken on an air of impudence due to his increased demonic power.

In battle, he judged his enemy's power level and attacked with the minimum power necessary. Anyone who got in his way was considered an enemy he would exterminate without hesitation. He didn't hold back his power, even against women. He rationalized that all his prey were the same and defeated them accordingly. For someone who was so proud of his power, cooperation was proof of weakness, and being alone was a condition for the strong. Once he judged someone to be an obstacle, he was quick to kill without hesitation. Sesshōmaru had a very curious mind when there was something that interested him, but at the same time, he had almost no tenacity of purpose. If he were interested in something else, he would arbitrarily turn his back on whatever he was doing at the time, even during battle. Just like his fighting style,

Sesshōmaru was obsessively proud of his father, Tōga, whom everyone in the yōkai world admired. Because he respected his lineage so much, he despised Inuyasha as well as Inuyasha's human mother, Izayoi.... He insulted Naraku, who tried to take advantage of Sesshōmaru's power. Anger rose in his heart at not being able to use Tessaiga, the sword that could cut a hundred yōkai in a single stroke that was left by his father, whom he respected greatly, in Inuyasha. Sesshōmaru resented his father for leaving Tessaiga with Inuyasha, whose power was weaker than his own. Over time, however, Sesshōmaru came to understand why his father had given him Tenseiga, and abandoned his disgust towards his half-brother, even showing strong concern for him in rare moments. He refused to use Bakusaiga on Inuyasha when even Magatsuhi noted that it was the obvious choice to make, and in the third film," attack. Sesshōmaru had declared that he only sought to fight the strongest living beings and how he had wanted to fight his father and defeat him. Sesshōmaru's love for his father was so great that even though he had inherited the (then) worthless ( in his mind) Tenseiga, he kept it around for sentimental value. During the brief period when Tenseiga was stolen from him in the third film, he declared that Tenseiga was not a sword he would miss if he lost it, except for his father.

Before, he felt nothing for anyone, but meeting various people, such as the ever-evolving Inuyasha, Naraku with his many proposals, and Rin, had brought about a change in his heart. After rescuing Rin and becoming the true owner of Tenseiga, he began to show feelings behind his cruel and unkind words. He stopped Inuyasha's demonic savagery by controlling his power, and he looked on him as an older brother reprimanding a younger brother, although he claimed he would kill Inuyasha, despite his actions showing otherwise. There was even a time when Sesshōmaru was angry with Inuyasha for ransacking their father's grave, but he put his sword aside, before striking him with only his fist. By putting his sword aside, Sesshōmaru showed that he was only reprimanding Inuyasha for desecrating their father's grave, rather than trying to hurt or kill his younger brother. Sesshōmaru didn't even hit him that hard, otherwise Inuyasha would have been hurt. He even refrained from killing Kohaku when he easily could have, so when he looked into his eyes and saw emptiness and had given up everything, it became pointless.

Sesshōmaru genuinely cared for Rin and Jaken, and although he rarely showed it, he appreciated their loyalty. Sesshōmaru originally had great contempt for protecting the weak, regarding it as a ridiculous waste of time. Unlike Tōga and Inuyasha, Sesshōmaru found it hard to admit that he had people to protect (Rin and Jaken), and out of pride, would never admit that he did. Sesshōmaru's compassion for Rin was obvious, but he preferred to disguise it, as it would taint his pride and reputation. However, he showed his love and concern for Rin when she appeared to have died as a result of her stay in hell. Sesshōmaru entered hell with the aim of saving her, but upon learning that he couldn't save her life, he was crushed. When he realized that it was his desire to strengthen Tenseiga that had brought them to hell and ultimately killed her, he threw the sword aside, saying that for the sword to gain power at the expense of Rin's life meant nothing. However, when Sesshōmaru's mother resurrected Rin, he was greatly relieved. Although he cares for her, he doesn't pamper her, making her fend for herself when she's hungry, but keeps a close enough distance to come to her aid in times of need. Apart from Rin, he became more attentive to Jaken, whom he regularly threatened to kill and treated like a slave if he failed to complete a certain task. Then, while he still hit Jaken whenever he annoyed him and forced Jaken to accompany him even in dangerous situations, he would tell Jaken to stay back in the face of an enemy who would endanger Jaken if he got too close. saying that for the sword to gain power at the expense of Rin's life meant nothing. However, when Sesshōmaru's mother resurrected Rin, he was greatly relieved. Although he cares for her, he doesn't pamper her, making her fend for herself when she's hungry, but keeps a close enough distance to come to her aid in times of need. Apart from Rin, he became more attentive to Jaken, whom he regularly threatened to kill and treated like a slave if he failed to complete a certain task. Then, while he still hit Jaken whenever he annoyed him and forced Jaken to accompany him even in dangerous situations, he would tell Jaken to stay back in the face of an enemy who would endanger Jaken if he got too close. saying that for the sword to gain power at the expense of Rin's life meant nothing. However, when Sesshōmaru's mother resurrected Rin, he was greatly relieved. Although he cares for her, he doesn't pamper her, making her fend for herself when she's hungry, but keeps a close enough distance to come to her aid in times of need. Apart from Rin, he became more attentive to Jaken, whom he regularly threatened to kill and treated like a slave if he failed to complete a certain task. Then, while he still hit Jaken whenever he annoyed him and forced Jaken to accompany him even in dangerous situations, he would tell Jaken to stay back in the face of an enemy who would endanger Jaken if he got too close. Although he takes care of her, he doesn't pamper her, leaving her to fend for herself when she's hungry, but keeps a close enough distance to come to her aid when needed. Apart from Rin, he became more attentive to Jaken, whom he regularly threatened to kill and treated like a slave if he failed to complete a certain task. Then, while he still hit Jaken whenever he annoyed him and forced Jaken to accompany him even in dangerous situations, he would tell Jaken to stay back in the face of an enemy who would endanger Jaken if he got too close. Although he takes care of her, he doesn't pamper her, leaving her to fend for herself when she's hungry, but keeps a close enough distance to come to her aid when needed. Apart from Rin, he became more attentive to Jaken, whom he regularly threatened to kill and treated like a slave if he failed to complete a certain task. Then, while he still hit Jaken whenever he annoyed him and forced Jaken to accompany him even in dangerous situations, he told Jaken to stay back in the face of an enemy who would endanger Jaken if he got too close. whom he used to threaten to kill regularly and treat like a slave if he failed to complete a certain task.
Then, while he always hit Jaken whenever he annoyed him and forced Jaken to accompany him even in dangerous situations, he told Jaken to stay back in the face of an enemy who would endanger Jaken if he got too close.

When Kagura was wounded, Sesshōmaru initially intended to leave her in the river in which she was drowning, but when Rin fell trying to save her and Jaken followed Rin, Sesshōmaru pulled all three out of the river. He stayed there afterwards and warned Kagura not to do anything that would get her killed. Later, however, before Kagura's death, Sesshōmaru sought her out and considered using Tenseiga, only to conclude that Tenseiga couldn't save her.

He had also been shown saving Inuyasha's friends on several occasions. On his way to Mount Hakurei, Sesshōmaru saved Kagome, Miroku and Sango from the master poison Mukotsu, one of the Shichinintai, but only claimed that he had killed Mukotsu because he wouldn't answer his questions. He also resurrected the father of a young otter yōkai, claiming it was Tenseiga's will. Another example was when Inuyasha and his companions were involved in a fight with the "water god" Numawatari; when Sesshōmaru arrived, he insulted Inuyasha's inability to kill a "low-life demon", then easily dispatched Numawatari using his Meidō Zangetsuha ability, leaving immediately afterwards.

What's more, when Byakuya , Naraku's new incarnation, was about to take Kohaku, who had one of the last three fragments of the Shikon no Tama, back to Naraku, Sesshōmaru appeared and launched a Meidō Zangetsuha from a distance (still in the shape of a crescent moon), barely missing him. Byakuya fled, claiming he didn't want to die, and commented on how it was so different from Sesshōmaru to save someone. Thereafter, Sesshōmaru seemed to have taken Kohaku under his protection, albeit in his typical reluctant yōkai-slaying way. Later, when Kohaku's shard was defiled by Magatsuhi, Sesshōmaru tried to save Kohaku at the cost of a severe arm injury.

It was his deep compassion that caused Tenseiga to be reforged as a weapon. Its offensive powers were locked until Sesshōmaru was able to show true compassion. In his battle with Mōryōmaru, the villain insulted the dying Kagura, which angered Sesshōmaru, and he broke Mōryōmaru's indestructible shell (and his only weapon in the process). Recognizing the yōkai's growth because he was defending a deceased person, Tenseiga called on his creator to reforge him as a weapon. However, he still retains traces of his former cruelty, having entered a mountain belonging to ogres and mercilessly killing them all to practice and develop Meidō Zangetsuha. Later, to show his compassion and respect for his father, he gave the offensive powers of his sword to Inuyasha (albeit in his own typical way), in accordance with his father's wishes, recognizing his brother's worth as heir to the sword.

Sesshoumaru, Rin e Kohaku | Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha rin

Despite his growing compassion, he, like his brother, used rude Japanese. He addressed strangers or people he didn't like with "kisama" (貴様), which, like "temee" (手前), was an offensive form of "you", though even more formal. It was addressed either to the polite "watashi" (私), or to the "kono Sesshōmaru" (このせっし ょ うまる) (lit. that Sesshōmaru) a way powerful lords refer to themselves, denoting his high nobility and position. Other than "kisama", he used "omae" (お前), either for Jaken or for Inuyasha, the latter occasionally and not rarely. Thus, he could be insulting while maintaining the speech pattern worthy of a lord, as opposed to the coarser speech used by Inuyasha. Sesshōmaru also shared another trait with his younger brother: having a temper and being very easy to annoy (Inuyasha being strong in his anger, Sesshōmaru being subtle), as he was known to hit Jaken when he said something that displeased him, similar to how Inuyasha was with Shippō .

Sesshōmaru, though always ruthless, completely despised brutality as shown in the fourth film, when Kyōra repeatedly suggested that they were similar in seeking sadistic pleasure in ending people's lives, Sesshōmaru responded with extreme contempt and disdain. In fact, when Sesshōmaru killed enemies, he did so swiftly and efficiently, disregarding any form of unnecessary violence.

After marrying Rin and becoming a father, Sesshōmaru became more tolerant by Tōtōsai; one example was when Jaken asked Sesshōmaru if he agreed to leave his daughters after his fight with his Kirinmaru, he simply told Jaken to stop talking about the matter rather than hitting him as he had in the past. He's also more open than he used to be, but not quite an open person overall; When Jaken asked Sesshōmaru about Akuru after meeting him a second time, he simply told Jaken to ignore him because Jaken didn't understand that Sesshōmaru had no intention of getting Akuru's reel according to Kirinmaru's orders. Despite this, Sesshōmaru can also be demanding as a parent. When Setsuna declared that she hadn't mastered her Yukari no Tachikiri, Sesshōmaru, after hearing that she wanted to save Rin with her new weapon,

In the years following Naraku's defeat, Sesshōmaru proved to be much more devious and cunning than he had been before. Like his father before him, Sesshōmaru has shown himself willing to employ strategies to ensure his daughters' growth as well as their own and their mother's survival for years, deceiving Zero and Kirinmaru and carefully manipulating and lying to them to ensure the survival not only of his daughters and his wife, but also of Kagome, Inuyasha and Moroha, showing just how far he will go to protect his entire family. This contrasts sharply with the impulsive, if observant, young man he was during the hunt for the Shikon jewel.

Physical description

Humanoid form
Sesshōmaru appears as a handsome, tall and slender young man. He has fair skin with pointed ears, slanted golden eyes with slit pupils and knee-length silver hair with short bangs. He has a purple crescent moon on his forehead that can be seen under his bangs, two magenta stripes on each cheek and a magenta stripe on each eyelid. When he used his Dokkasō, three magenta stripes appeared on his wrists. Like Inuyasha, his canines are fangs (although they're not usually visible unless he transforms) and his fingers are clawed, although unlike Inuyasha, he can secrete a corrosive poison. For most of the series, Sesshōmaru had only one arm, due to his fight with his brother. Towards the end, he regained his left arm after recovering his new sword.

Yokai form
Sesshōmaru's true form is a giant silver dog with markings similar to those he had in his human form. His eyes turn red with teal-blue irises, the yōkai markings on his body widen and become more apparent, the stripes on his usually smooth cheeks become jagged and turn a slightly fiercer color, and his mokomoko wraps around his body and extends into his tail. He has completely transformed into his yōkai form only three times: once during a battle with Inuyasha, resulting in the loss of his left arm, again when he met his mother, and during the battle against Magatsuhi.


Sesshōmaru's armor includes a spiked epaulette covering his left shoulder attached by red ropes to the upper part of his black cuirass with "lotus petal" faulds that possess a light gray border. When damaged, the armor automatically regenerates using yōki. His armor and long, flowing yellow belt with purple detailing have a decidedly Chinese influence, as opposed to the usual Japanese armor and obi. His clothing consists of a white kimono with a red and white cherry blossom crest at the collar and sleeves, showing that he is of royal birth, a white hadagi undershirt and a white sashinuki hakama that are gathered at the ankles, producing a "ballooning effect". His shoes consisted of black ankle boots, also reminiscent of Chinese influence. On his right shoulder was his mokomoko-sama, the fur and tail of his true form, which he retained in his humanoid form.

In the third film, as seen in his younger years, Sesshōmaru wore a slightly different outfit. His kimono was cream-colored and patterned with purple leaves, and he wore a blue belted belt. His face, too, had a more feminine side.

Powers and capabilities

As a pure-blooded daiyōkai, Sesshōmaru is exceptionally powerful, having inherited his father's yōkai abilities more completely than his hanyō half-brother, Inuyasha. The level of his demonic powers is such that he can cancel demonic auras in an instant by touching the object that has been possessed. For example, even though he remained corrupted after Kaijinbō's death, Sesshōmaru exterminated Tōkijin's demonic aura effortlessly with his bare hands. It was also assumed that, apart from Tōga himself, Sesshōmaru was the only known yōkai who could possibly control Sō'unga, which Inuyasha could not.

  • Immense demonic power:As the pure-blooded son of the Great Dog Demon, Sesshōmaru is extremely powerful, being a match for any opponent he encounters. In addition to his infamous physical prowess far surpassing that of many demons, Sesshōmaru also has a plethora of powerful techniques at his disposal. Even the arrogant Naraku, who became famous among demons thanks to his collection of Shikon jewel shards, recognized that Sesshōmaru was far more powerful than he, and declared that Sesshōmaru was the perfect demon. Indeed, even with Naraku's barrier protecting him from Sesshōmaru's assaults, Sesshōmaru proved able to easily handle Naraku's attacks where Naraku recognized that he could not defeat Sesshōmaru. His power easily surpassed Inuyasha's, said to be able to completely control Sō'unga whereas Inuyasha could only suppress it with great effort and be viable to wield Meidō Zangetsuha due to his immense power able to easily wield the terrible jaki that would have killed Inuyasha until he became strong enough to resist it. Indeed, he even dominated Inuyasha's Backlash Wave and, as such, surpassed Tessaiga's power with a mighty attack of his own demonic energy, but not without visible struggle. The level of his demonic powers is such that he was able to easily master the malevolent demonic aura of Tōkijin created from Goshinki's hatred when Kaijinbō, the sword's creator, was possessed and consumed by it. His demonic powers eventually grew until he was able to manifest his own demonic sword, Bakusaiga, and Tōtōsai commented that Sesshōmaru's powers had surpassed those of his father. A few years later, Sesshomaru managed to master Kirinmaru, a qilin daiyōkai who was as strong as his father in the final battle.
  • Superhuman strength: Sesshōmaru possesses Herculean strength, even with just one arm. He has repeatedly overpowered and powerfully thrown Inuyasha aside. He can even use his claws to easily tear through solid rock and the bodies of most yōkai. His physical strength with one arm was equal to Inuyasha's maximum strength. Herculean strength, even with one arm. He repeatedly overpowered and powerfully threw Inuyasha aside and could easily match Inuyasha's strength in their subsequent fights, even if Inuyasha had become even stronger with one hand. He could even use his claws to easily tear through solid rock and the bodies of most demons. He also matched the terrifying strength of Kirinmaru, who could even dispel Inuyasha's Backlash Wave and regularly overpower his daughters and niece with ease, able to clash with enough force to release massive shockwaves.
  • Superhuman speed: Sesshōmaru can close distances quickly and without warning. His speed far exceeded that of Inuyasha's considerable speed, for in their fights, Inuyasha was unable to land a single blow on Sesshōmaru even with Tessaiga in hand until he learned the wind scar, and is quite capable of matching Kirinmaru in speed. He even easily placed himself behind the cautious Naraku.
  • Superhuman durability:Sesshōmaru's enormous demonic powers have given him great resistance to injury. On the rare occasion when he receives serious wounds, Sesshōmaru can often continue to fight despite them, demonstrating tremendous resilience. This was demonstrated when he was easily able to kill an army of human samurai just after losing his left arm and the initial battle on the Tessaiga against Inuyasha. Later, Sesshōmaru managed to resist Kaze no Kizu long enough for Tenseiga to use his barrier ability to protect Sesshōmaru from the attack's lethal damage level. Although severely injured in his battle with Magatsuhi, Sesshōmaru was able to continue fighting until his powers merged with Bakusaiga. Sesshōmaru also proves able to withstand the shock of the anti-demon barrier placed on Tessaiga so that he can occasionally use it when needed with little reaction, but not without suffering potentially debilitating injuries. Since he holds a powerful poison in his own body, he is able to resist or nullify most toxic attacks (e.g. Naraku's Shōki or Mukotsu's anti-demon poisons. Sesshōmaru also proves able to withstand the shock of the anti-demon barrier placed on Tessaiga so that he can occasionally use it when needed with little reaction and minimal injury, at worst suffering only a burned arm that hardly bothered him. Indeed, he showed the greatest resistance to holy and divine powers; he was able to enter the purification barrier of Mount Hakurei, by far the strongest of its kind in the series, without being purified, being only slightly weakened. In another instance, Sesshōmaru catches one of Kagome's purification arrows with his bare hands and without ill effect; any other demon would have been severely wounded, if not outright purified. Facing Kirinmaru, he was able to take Kirinmaru's demonic energy balls without using his sword and remain silent when Kirinmaru tried to push him out.
  • Accelerated healing: During his battle with Magatsuhi, Sesshōmaru demonstrated the ability to rapidly heal burns and gashes on his right arm, as well as several large stab holes throughout his body. This ability does not appear to be a passive bodily function, however, as he obviously needed to focus his energies to heal himself. In the same battle, he also displayed regenerative powers, able to completely regrow his left arm, which was severed by Inuyasha at the start of the series. It's not known why this took so long, however, perhaps because his left arm was housing his Bakusaiga, and was unconsciously repressed until he gave up his desire for Tessaiga, as Bakusaiga emerged with his new left arm.
  • Superhuman olfactory senses: Sesshōmaru has excellent olfaction and is able to determine circumstances by the scents on the wind. Even for things far away, he can learn what's going on and obtain information by smell alone. He can discern certain characteristics of an individual by scent alone; for example, the scent of the cemetery floor enabled him to identify the undead nature of the Gang of Seven.
  • Dokkasō (毒華爪, Poison Claws, "Poison Lustre Claw"): Sesshōmaru has claw-like nails and can injure - or even kill - a whole group of thieves using his claws. He can also scratch with his claws and simultaneously release a powerful poison to melt his enemies. Although he normally applies it through his claw strikes, he can also spray acid from his claws or transfer it into his punches. His poison is strong enough to melt rock or bone; a mere human will melt in an instant. If his poison is absorbed internally, it will remain inside and act for a long period of time, even in those with demonic power.
  • Mokomoko-sama (モ コ モ コ 様, "Lord Fluff-Fluff"): The rich fur on Sesshōmaru's shoulder is part of his body and can stretch to great lengths, giving him defensive capabilities and means of attack.
  • Light Whip generation (光 の 鞭, Hikari no Muchi , "Whip of Light")Sesshōmaru can generate a thin, whip-like strand of yellow-green energy from his fingertips to aid him. It has proven capable of easily puncturing armor and flesh and can burn flesh on contact, like his poison. He even dissipated a powerful little cyclone of Kirinmaru's energy with the whip and forced Kirinmaru to defend himself. He seems to be able to manifest this energy without its destructive properties, enabling him to use it to catch falling allies or pull someone out of harm's way without damaging them.
  • Longevity: As a daiyōkai, Sesshōmaru has supernatural longevity. Physically, he appears to be around 19 years old, although chronologically he is over 900 years old.
    • Flight: Sesshōmaru is able to fly independently in his humanoid form and in his giant dog demon form, and can also hover motionless above the ground. He sometimes allows others to accompany him by carrying them on his mokomoko-sama. In this orb-of-light form, Sesshōmaru can fly even faster than his human or real form, and this can be used for a quick escape or a swift pursuit.
    • Transformation (変化, へんげ, "Henge"): As a daiyōkai, Sesshōmaru possesses the ability to transform into an orb of light or a huge silver-furred dog whenever he wishes, and although he possesses enormous destructive power in the latter form , he rarely uses it. While his gigantic dog form appears to give him great physical strength, it seems to lack the agility of his humanoid form. In addition, it has been speculated by Jaken that Sesshōmaru loses some of his reasoning abilities in dog form; however, there is no substantial evidence to support this theory. During the back-and-forth transformation, his clothes, weapons and other accessories seem simply to disappear and then reappear on his person.
      • Poisoned fangs: in his giant dog form, the toxins from Sesshōmaru's poisoned claws are transferred to his fangs. This caused his bite to have extremely caustic effects, an ability that is also transferred to his saliva. In addition, his saliva can be transformed into a toxic mist-like gas.
      • Teleportation: Sesshōmaru's light-form orb gives him the ability to teleport quickly if necessary, as seen when Sesshōmaru transformed into a ball of energy to escape his father's tomb. Later, he used this form to pursue a fleeing Tōtōsai, materializing on impact with the ground and producing an explosion.
      • Immense Physical Speed: Despite the large size of his true form, Sesshōmaru possesses astonishing speed for a huge dog where Inuyasha struggled to dodge some of his attacks during their first battle on Tessaiga despite his greater agility. When he transformed to fight Magatsuhi, Sesshōmaru was able to bite and decapitate the head of the demon spirit's physical form before he could react when the dog demon took him by surprise.
    • Cold immunity:Sesshōmaru can withstand low temperatures where he is unaffected by the bitter cold in mountains and valleys.
      Master Tactician:Due to his keen instincts and great power, Sesshōmaru is experienced in analyzing any given situation, finding the best path to its success. With an intuitive mind for war, Sesshōmaru had repeatedly proven himself to be an expert in battle strategy and was a very cunning warrior; drawing on both his natural intelligence and brute strength to defeat his enemies. The great demon had expressed awareness and knowledge of many elaborate traps devised by Naraku, and had only intentionally fallen into them for his own purposes and goals. Sesshōmaru was also a skilled schemer and more than capable of devising long-term plots for a specific end goal. During his early pursuit of the Tessaiga, he had enlisted the help of the demon Mu-on'na to take the form of Inuyasha's mother, and effectively lured him into this false illusion through deceptive manipulation; crudely taking advantage of his brother's feelings for his late mother to cede information about the sword's whereabouts.
    • Observational skills:In addition to having a brilliant tactical sense, another overlooked quality possessed by Sesshōmaru was his meticulous analytical skills, rivaling those of eminent intellectuals like Miroku and Kikyō. With only a rudimentary understanding of the situation and little information at hand, Sesshōmaru was able to reach alarming conclusions about the premise of the situation. Many examples of his observational skills rested on his ability to quickly understand and divine his father's intentions and the reasoning behind his unorthodox actions; such as when he correctly deduced that his father wanted Sesshōmaru to master the Meido Zangetsuha technique, before giving it to Inuyasha's Tessaiga through his power assimilation technique, and how he was trying to test him throughout the many conflicts he faced with the Tenseiga, as well as other factors in his growth. He was also adept at revealing his enemies' objectives and tactics; being one of the few people capable of overseeing Naraku's plans and plots.
      Master swordsman: Sesshōmaru is an extremely skilled swordsman, having wielded several yōkai swords in combat. On the many occasions when he and Inuyasha clashed with their demonic swords, Sesshōmaru was able to easily and consistently overwhelm his younger brother. Even in the rare chance that Inuyasha managed to defeat Sesshōmaru, it was only after Sesshōmaru had gained the upper hand that Inuyasha became accustomed to Sesshōmaru's skills. Sesshōmaru's overall skill was such that he could wield the Tessaiga with at least the same level of effectiveness as Inuyasha using both hands with one hand, if not even better. Over time, his skills have developed to the point where he is able to fight on equal terms with Kirinmaru in swordplay, although the demon is far more experienced and comparable to his late father in skill.
    • Experienced fighter: Alongside his swordplay, Sesshōmaru is also a very accomplished unarmed fighter, and even with only one arm, his skills were still formidable. Unlike Inuyasha, Sesshōmaru normally attacks with speed and elegance.
    • Teleportation from the Sacred Tree of Ages portal: Since Sesshōmaru's wife, Rin, received the curse of the silver ladder from Kirinmaru's older sister, Zero, that they are already connected, and sealed in the Sacred Tree of Ages it leads her into a deep sleep, he can pass through the tree that he could enter inside the tree, especially the dream butterfly where the spirit of the Tree of Ages is and even he can see his wife inside and to the outside world, even if the inside of the tree is inaccessible by mortal humans .
    • Spiritual vision: Sesshōmaru has the unique ability to see the spirit of the windmill of time, Akuru .


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